Your Super Bowl Party Rules

Deliveries such as pizza and strip o grams are fine during halftime because nobody really cares about the Who.

What's so wrong about wanting to actually WATCH THE GAME?

i'd really prefer you didn't watch because i don't want to think that i'm doing the same thing you are at any point in time
It's Saturday. Zoptard is at the Saturday afternoon tea dance unless he's snowed in.
I have the xbox and wii up in the loft for a reason. People have kids and they need shit to do so they leave us to watch football in the Game room.
Tomorrow's the big day! Salad trays are all prepared and the booze is cold. Chips, dips, chains, and whips are all set up too. Wings will be ready by game time.

I sure hope that I'm back from my afternoon tea dance to make this on time.
1. No women unless they are 9 1/2s or higher.
2. No moochers who eat up all the snacks and drinks.
3. No inane conversations while the game is in progress.
4. No interruptions. All cel phones must be checked at the door, and turned off during gameplay.
5. No blowing up the bathroom with excessive stank.
6. Be on time. No one will be admitted after the game starts.
7. No children. Leave them with a babysitter.
8. No pets. Leave your servals, boa constrictors, and gerbils at home.
9. No flames (for each other) while the game is in progress.
10. No deliveries while the game is in progress.
Better hire a 10,000 a night hooker to watch it with you if you want a 9.5 coming to that party. Or has this been said already.

Tomorrow's the big day! Salad trays are all prepared and the booze is cold. Chips, dips, chains, and whips are all set up too. Wings will be ready by game time.

I sure hope that I'm back from my afternoon tea dance to make this on time.

a lot of prep to watch the game by yourself
You never had anyone coming over to begin with, don't think you can fool us with phony "cancellations"

even your imaginary friends are cancelling on you
At this rate, I'll have to invite niggers in my building to help eat all of the food. But first I need to lock up my valuables.