Why does everybody hate Anti-Lyfe

The people that stalk him are more annoying than he is or maybe I've never really noticed him before now.
He does it to himself. He's been ramping up the "Asians are better than you" shtick lately, so for lack of a better target, the TW firing squad has started to take offensive actions.
I hate Anti-Lyfe because after I eat Anti-Lyfe I'm hungry again a couple of hours later.
He does it to himself. He's been ramping up the "Asians are better than you" shtick lately, so for lack of a better target, the TW firing squad has started to take offensive actions.

This about sums it up perfectly. Well and on top of that he makes it so damn easy.
Most of the people here love to gang up on someone and now that there is no Kura to enjoy that attention they take what they can get.
Keep it up. He's nearly on the verge of implosion now.

I give him 3 days.
so what's the purpose of having your ignore list in your sig? Is it to let us know how insecure you are?
Before recently I never really noticed him as anything, but he's been constantly making this pro asian/anti white threads and posts and I guess it's gotten on people's nerves.