The state of T1.

Without LT tribes would have died 5 years ago, and it really only came in once Base began it's 10th round suck fest.

I've always loved LT (for all the reasons I've always said: No hiding behind your team, forces individual skill, better teamwork, heightened versions of all Light Pack options (LO, LD Chase, LD Home, Capping) etc). It's become a vastly different game than even when I first played it, but it's not hard to adapt. There is shit you see people doing now that would be matrix-calibre during base's time (the 180 degree beacon jumps, MA-gren launching, etc).

I can understand it would be frustrating to just come back now. Everyone smurfs, everyone is a douche, everyone cg's nonstop and you get spammed to fucking high heaven, but it's still tribes at it's core, and it's still a blast to play in the right circumstances.

If you want in a PU, you're going to have a hard time. The few that usually run them pick their friends because they have more fun and they are typically other fulltime LT people (aka higher skill). It's annoying as shit when you see some Pug scrub get picked over you (and you sit there going 'fuck that I own that piece of shit, fuck these niggers') , but all I can recommend is offering to captain (secret free way in!), or offering to play Home D since no one wants to play it.

Or just befriend some of them. I run a fine line of 50/50 love/hate me so it's really a dice roll on being chosen or deliberately being skipped :p


awesome post <3
I am impressed with the quality of posters in this thread.

about to smoke and try to play tribes again... :wave: @ Redspider, Suckypenny and all
Just to confirm I have been reading this right the past few months, when you guys have LT Pickups, you pick X # of players and then force the rest to watch?

Ive been running PUGs in T1, T2, and even T:V for 9 years and i've never heard of this practice of limiting the players and forcing people to watch.

Is this an LT thing? an Elitist thing?

Just curious, not trying to bash, but why wouldnt everyone get to play. The Newer/Rusty/Shittier players wont accomplish much anyways, so its not like they would unbalance the game. And if it is a (The Server can hold 24 ppl and 12 v 12 LT would suck balls) , then maybe you shouldn't be playing LT with 24 players. Use a diff/smaller server, or play Base Maps when the server is packed and everyone wants to play.

I wouldnt watch more than 30 seconds before going to some other game.. no wonder your small community is continuing to dwindle, you refuse to let the rusty/mediocre even play, driving them away.

EDIT: I currently pub t2 with what little gametime I have, but even when I reinstalled t1 3-4 months ago and played for a few weeks II never had to sit and watch others play. Got picked near last in the few PUGs I was there for but got to play. It was fun, but LT just doesnt hold my interest, so I went back to T2 Classic for the Depth.
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didnt read whole thread, still have tribes installed, my 11 year old plays now, Stew Padasso is his name.

he was in fact just playing.
having more than 5v5 completely changes the strategy in LT, and quite frankly ruins it. if we had a server that held ten people, not all the players would have an opportunity to get into the server, and everyone should have a chance to be picked. if there were more people that wanted to pickup, there could easily be a 2nd pickup for players that arent quite good enough to get picked all the time in the normal ones
I think that some of the larger lt maps would be fine with say 7v7, but people only play dx, sh, and hb..
25 people in US base just now. .base map came up, of course they vote to go to another LT map. I dropped.
Just to confirm I have been reading this right the past few months, when you guys have LT Pickups, you pick X # of players and then force the rest to watch?

Ive been running PUGs in T1, T2, and even T:V for 9 years and i've never heard of this practice of limiting the players and forcing people to watch.

Is this an LT thing? an Elitist thing?

Just curious, not trying to bash, but why wouldnt everyone get to play. The Newer/Rusty/Shittier players wont accomplish much anyways, so its not like they would unbalance the game. And if it is a (The Server can hold 24 ppl and 12 v 12 LT would suck balls) , then maybe you shouldn't be playing LT with 24 players. Use a diff/smaller server, or play Base Maps when the server is packed and everyone wants to play.

I wouldnt watch more than 30 seconds before going to some other game.. no wonder your small community is continuing to dwindle, you refuse to let the rusty/mediocre even play, driving them away.

EDIT: I currently pub t2 with what little gametime I have, but even when I reinstalled t1 3-4 months ago and played for a few weeks II never had to sit and watch others play. Got picked near last in the few PUGs I was there for but got to play. It was fun, but LT just doesnt hold my interest, so I went back to T2 Classic for the Depth.

if you're going to let everyone play..why not just pub? its called a pickup for a reason. the fat kids don't get picked in basketball and the rusty/shitty players don't get picked in tribes.

LT is meant for 5-6 players per team imo. The more players you get..the more spam/cg you have running around the map.

The best way to learn how to play is 5v5. you have way more pressure to preform and you can't get away with sitting out OOB on a route camp. You have to always be in position to make an impact on the game. if ONE player is running long routes and not helping his offense out in standoffs scenarios..he completely drags the team down with his play.
having more than 5v5 completely changes the strategy in LT, and quite frankly ruins it. if we had a server that held ten people, not all the players would have an opportunity to get into the server, and everyone should have a chance to be picked. if there were more people that wanted to pickup, there could easily be a 2nd pickup for players that arent quite good enough to get picked all the time in the normal ones

Pickups are meant to be higher quality than pubs. We have enough trouble getting people to not fuck around. The incentive to not blow, would be compromised if it was just first 10, and you were picked regardless.

The main reason we're afraid to pick new people, is we're not sure they know the positions. Even if you're rusty, or not a great shot, or whatever.. you can still function in a pu, but if you don't know the position.. that destroys the game. Knowing when to stay back on a standoff, when to d up, when to camp, when to go for a return, when to egrab.. pubs don't include any of that.
I haven't played Tribes in five years probably. LT was fun for a time, but after being near/at the top of the ladder I got bored and moved on. I have a lot of fond memories about TeamRabbit as well.
having more than 5v5 completely changes the strategy in LT, and quite frankly ruins it. if we had a server that held ten people, not all the players would have an opportunity to get into the server, and everyone should have a chance to be picked. if there were more people that wanted to pickup, there could easily be a 2nd pickup for players that arent quite good enough to get picked all the time in the normal ones

Oh i played enough LT to understand this. The game turns to ass with more than 7 v 7 , and is at its best in 5 v 5. My point was, Why not play something other than LT if youve got a full server of people ready to play. If LT is all you want to play, get a 16 player server limit with an overflow password that stops at 12.

There are other ways to fix the problem, my guess is for the people that regularly get picked, the egostoke of being picked in an LT PUG in a 10 year old game is enough for them to want to be able to look down on those undesirables while saying "Sorry, well let you in our server but you aren't good enough to play with us".

Hence my comment about that already small community eating itself.

And before anyone talks about how I must be a bitter never get picked dude... Again, I have yet to be in 1 of these servers while a PUG is going down where people don't get chosen.
25 people in US base just now. .base map came up, of course they vote to go to another LT map. I dropped.

i dont mind the whole LT thing and i can put up with the retards on US Base (for the most part)

but it bugs the fuck out of me when ppl vote LT with 25 ppl in the server. LT is fucking retarded with 25 people, and inevitably 10-12 people drop because its so retarded

the worst is idiots like c0de or whatever his name is, who vote LT maps, and keep starting votes for LT every 30 seconds for 10 minutes until people stop voting and it passes

i don't know who that 'c0de' guy is but he's by far the most retarded player left playing, and that includes bugs and isuck@life and the rest
t1 is full of cheaters. game is done.


i found out that all the euro players had some kind of lh bypass and that solidsnake was handing it out to his friends.

that coupled with the fact that ppl will alienate or ban the actual decent ppl (snow for example) and this game's skill level has been sitting stagnant for a long time
the worst is idiots like c0de or whatever his name is, who vote LT maps, and keep starting votes for LT every 30 seconds for 10 minutes until people stop voting and it passes

i don't know who that 'c0de' guy is but he's by far the most retarded player left playing, and that includes bugs and isuck@life and the rest

He is part of the reason I stopped playing. His constant votes and bugs being an absolute moron when it comes to admining a server properly to keep the game play at a higher level drove me away. Tribes is dead to me for now. I deleted my folder and I have no backups. GG.