hey animo, lets plan a trip to asia together.


Veteran XV
i'm thinking bangkok, nepal, tibet, new delhi, bombay, goa, beijing, hong kong, macau, singapore, manila, sydney, auckland, tokyo, mongolia.
i think fraggles goal in life is to fuck a hooker from every country....

good thing youre circumcised, youll need it in africa lol
i'm not circumcised... i'm planning on visiting africa as well, probably only nigeria for now though, my cousin is working there for the next few years.
the guy who cut me fucked up. its like a partial circumcision... i have some problems due to it, sometimes during rough sex my foreskin tears and takes a few weeks to heal up. luckily its never happened to me right in the middle of a sex trip, it has happened a few times towards the end of a trip though.