[Official] Stanley Cup Playoffs and Predictions

Nah, her whoring ways did not happen until several years later.

Funny thing about the hit though...after looking at different angles, it seems that there was a forearm up in Hudlers face, not a shoulder....

Once a whore, always a wore. You should get a paternity test done. You don't want to be raising the garbage man's kids.
Hiller did not bleed everywhere and need 10 stitches.


Hudler's cut was a result of his visor. Whether it was him smacking his head on the ice, or a shoulder making contact with his head is up for debate, but it was nothing more than split skin.

Franzen's hit was worse than Brown's, in some ways. Franzen made no real attempt to avoid contact after scoring the goal. In fact, he seemed to ensure he bulled his way through Hiller. While Brown's was questionable, I don't think Franzen's was. It deserved a 2-minute penalty after the goal, at the very least.

The only question mark on Brown's hit was whether it was late or not. .8 seconds (according to the clock in the JLA) passed between Hudler passing the puck and the hit. Each official tends to have their own opinion of what's late. If it's late, it deserved to be penalized. If it wasn't, the penalty was in error (which happens). Either way, it was a clean hit in every other regard. Brown did not leave his feet. He did not charge. He did not lead with the elbow. It was a good hard check. The head contact was incidental, not intentional. Hudler just got shaken up a bit on the hit, and had his skin split open by his visor.
uh, exactly. it has everything to do with the injury

visors can protect against some of these injuries which lead to an extra 2min. not all players wear visors... i can't help if you don't see the inconsistency of it.

if you have penalties based on the level of injury (already dumb in and of itself because a player should control their stick regardless of whether they carve an eyeball out of someone's socket or not) then equipment that prevent these injuries should at least be consistent. it isn't fair to completely dismiss the "mandated visor" discussion, for this or the other many reasons. it's a valid topic for discussion.

It's a valid topic, but the NHL doesn't mandate visors, so at this point it's moot.

Blood = an extra 2 for a high-sticking call. It's as simple as that.

If you get your stick high, you've already committed an infraction. I don't see why the visor issue is so important to you. I want them to wear visors so they don't get seriously injured (fractured orbital bones, for example) as easily. I don't give a rat's fart about high-sticking calls. I've seen players, who wear visors, get high-sticked in the same area the visor protects. Shit happens. The player who high-sticked him is responsible. Period.
Semyon Varlamov with the save of the year. The Washington Almighty Capitals down the Pittsburgh Shittsburgh Penguins.

Don't know how though, Pittsburgh destroyed the Cap's soft passes in the neutral zone and got a lot of odd man rushes. Way to fail.
Semyon Varlamov with the save of the year. The Washington Almighty Capitals down the Pittsburgh Shittsburgh Penguins.
Love it.

Don't know how though, Pittsburgh destroyed the Cap's soft passes in the neutral zone and got a lot of odd man rushes. Way to fail.

Pittsburgh got too cute at the end of their odd man rushes instead of just firing at the net looking for rebounds. Not that I'm complaining.
i'm honestly quite surprised how such a young and inexperienced team can keep coming back like that; it's pretty amazing.

i doubt that they be able to pull that shit on an anaheim or detroit, but still.