I will never post on this forum again if Kurayami posts a recent picture of himself

on what page was it noted how much of a doctorate tsetse doesn't have, and how much wow he plays while thinking about being a real life level designer doing real public policy shit?
The worst thing Kura could have done is to let people know that the kurachops bother him.
I didn't say that they bothered me.
I said that I found nofix to be creepy.
I don't really give a shit if he keeps doing them. As far as I'm concerned, it just shows how hard he's trying to be accepted.
on what page was it noted how much of a doctorate tsetse doesn't have, and how much wow he plays while thinking about being a real life level designer doing real public policy shit?
That isn't going to be covered.

Bew dislikes me for some reason, so this is mostly his attempt at taking some passive-aggressive shots at me.
I like them. they're like lolcats. I'd say he should make a site dedicated to them, but given the lack of a suitable catch phrase and the lack of kura infamy outside of TW, it probably wouldn't translate to big money or cheeseburgers.

something i scrapped, but i kinda felt i needed some attention for pasting an ugly kid's face on a body.
on what page was it noted how much of a doctorate tsetse doesn't have, and how much wow he plays while thinking about being a real life level designer doing real public policy shit?

you mean what page you started obsessing so much you started making shit up

obsess more, cog. remember what goes around comes around, tho... :cool:
I didn't say that they bothered me.
I said that I found nofix to be creepy.
I don't really give a shit if he keeps doing them. As far as I'm concerned, it just shows how hard he's trying to be accepted.

I know you dont ever answer my questions but thats part of the fun.

Since Kurachops show how he wants to be accepted. What does all the posting show about you? As part of the e-persona, do you make stupid comments like this just to be in character, or do you honestly feel that you are above any sort of faggotry?
this thread is now going to be a bunch of shit posts of people elbowing each other out of the way so they can be the first post on page 100.