[NWS] Girl I fucked around with

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You disappoint me. You should have been aiden.

I’m still not convinced, obviously he would know about the checking the IP thing, maybe he has an accomplice.

Doesn’t make any sense that a hot chick like that would a) play counter strike or b) give a crap about the goings on in a geeky gaming forum like Tribalwar.

maybe because she is average and not omg so hot guys

still, naked pictures are naked pictures and I am all about that
that's one fine looking lass, but since this is tw, i'm expecting to see bleeding anus testicle shots next.

oh wait...
Where the fuck is aiden?

I want him to apologize to the community as a whole and promise that he'll never try to flex his e-penis around here again.

Actually I'd be happy if aiden never showed up ever again.

Though it would be nice if he would show his lying face so he can get 'smacked down' some more by pagne.

PS. oh and aiden how's the imaginary herpes? :p

Aiden posts nude pics of said girl, and claims he fucked around with her

A few pages of faggotry go by, and then mstrike notices that he remembers the pics from somewhere. It was from some channel on Gamesurge irc. He goes back to that channel and it is the same girl. He googles her myspace and sends her a message telling her some guy claims to have had sex with her.

She responds, then comes into IRC, some other crap happens.

Aiden lied, people dide

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