Gun Sales on the Rise in Florida on Fear of an Obama Presidency

The types of weapons these people are buying will no longer be available if Obama gets his way.

I think Bad_CRC explained it earlier today.

he is indeed talking about taking away assault rifles.

there was actually a pretty good writeup about it in one of the sportsman's magazines I read, since they are a group of people who tend to be pretty much redneck right wing gun lovin larry cable guy people.

They interviewed both McCain and Obama about several appropriate issues, and one of the things they asked him about was his view on gun control (and his statement about people clinging to guns and religion) and he basically said that he will indeed work to control assault rifles...


I cut a lot, so if you want to read it all, you'll have to follow the link.
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But they aren't going to be banned. Pretty sure the only difference in the gun platforms is closing loopholes and keeping the Assault Weapons Ban in place.

Using your own link, I will now proceed to call you a liar.

On the issue of urban policy, Obama says he favors "commonsense measures" to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and children, and that he would bring back the expired "assault weapon" ban and make it permanent:

Even worse, he talks about childproofing guns.

Whatever that means, it is not practical.

EDIT: NRA Targets Obama

My question is, why are people buying automatic rifles? Who, beyond the military and law enforcement, needs them? And why would a law-abiding citizen need AP rounds?

It doesn't matter if I need them or not. It is my right.

And why would law enforcement need them?
And why would the military?
So basically the only thing anti-gun about Obama is that he supports renewing the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994? I disagree with that but at the same time this issue doesn't affect me so I don't care. Obama's heart is in the right place but we've seen throughout history that banning something doesn't keep it out of the hands of criminals.
omg i wont be able to buy guns if obama is elected

So basically the only thing anti-gun about Obama is that he supports renewing the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994? I disagree with that but at the same time this issue doesn't affect me so I don't care. Obama's heart is in the right place but we've seen throughout history that banning something doesn't keep it out of the hands of criminals.
His heart is not in the right place, as the AWB was proven to do absolutely jack shit re: crime.
Obama's heart is in the right place but we've seen throughout history that banning something doesn't keep it out of the hands of criminals.

I believe ive heard him very clearly say the following points:

  • the 2nd amendment must be respected and protected
  • localities and states have some broad justification to put forth limits
  • federal limits are not the way to go

He has also said he doesn't like concealed weapons, but i believe he said in several debates that he doesnt believe that's a federal government issue.

I believe the American Hunters and Shooters Association endorses obama

But they aren't going to be banned. Pretty sure the only difference in the gun platforms is closing loopholes and keeping the Assault Weapons Ban in place.

I apologize. I didn't realize the Assault Weapons Ban expired. Congratulations on winning on such a trivial point.

And it is your right to keep and bear arms. The amendment doesn't say what kind of arms. It then comes down to interpreting the Constitution in context. Can you tell me that the Founders really could have anticipated weapons that can fire several rounds per second? Guns that can kill ten people in the blink of an eye? How does it adversely affect you that you can't have a weapon like that? And is the Amendment just to be interpreted based on a well-regulated militia? The court says no, but we can't be sure. The Founders are dead and what hints are available are ambiguous at best.

According to the Supreme Court, its your right to be able to defend yourself and have the means to do it. That means a handgun or some similar weapon. Why would an assault rifle like an AK be good here? How many rounds to you really need to fire to defend your home? If you actually use and practice with the guns you own it should never be more than a few.

The Second Amendment is a complicated matter. The question comes down to practicality and application, and defense of the unarmed. You're under the assumption that if someone creates a gun that fires depleted uranium rounds that penetrate armored vehicles, it should be available for purchase because it's somehow necessary for your exercise of a right that was written at the time of the flintlock and muzzle-loader.
TseTse, I'm with you man. I just think if the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 is renewed all it will accomplish is pissing off the crazies.