Your fav T:V screen is...?


Veteran X

Reminds me of the T1 artwork - which I love - for some reason.

Edit: Ya know..i have no ****ing idea why I started this thread... :roller:
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In that last pic, what is that on the ground on the extreme left?

It's round, If I didn't know better, I'd say a possible portable inventory...
Void|deadjawa said:
What is the name of the guy that did the skies? I think he deserves an oscar, or a grammy, or whatever...

I've been saying that since the beginning. I'm a sucker for skies and T:V has the best ones I've ever seen. It was really pathetic to play Halo and see al lthe work they put into effects and ground details, and the skies just blew. That's how it is for most games which keep you on the ground though.
My fav:
