You raff yuo roose v.3871

It's not really a debate that the sunbather is a total piece of shit cunt who should be put down for the betterment of humanity.

We're white. You move without even being asked because it's the right thing to do, let alone ignoring them after being asked.

The woman is clearly on a hill, and this guy of all people expects her to just get off it.
People who hold outdoor weddings are pretty fucking retarded to begin with. Nobody likes them. Holding one in a public space seems even more obnoxious.

(They're really good)
Friend of mine had a minipig called fatso when we were little. I never saw it shit or piss in their house but i think minipigs are more civilized. I wonder if they ate him, i should ask the next time i see him.
The story falls apart when I'm expected to believe a Fedex pilot got drunk off of 4 vodka sodas.
iraq has wmd

dumb fuck republicunts should not be allowed to vote. that is not a political statement it is a pragmatic statement
You're just barely able to tamp down that churning meltdown trying to surface, huh Clu?
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