You raff yuo roose v.3871

:rofl: It was cringy from the start, but this actually took me a while to realize it was supposed to be against the "alt" right. My god, they're so fucking dumb.

Play it at 1.5x speed. It improved dramatically.

:lol: How can being right wing ever be punk? It's anti-authoritarian by it's very nature. Punk aligns much more closely with Libertarianism.

If someone thinks they're being punk by being right wing, they're a fucking moron. Just like all those twats that think gender is subjective and they can define it as whatever they fuck they want.
Left-wing is anti-authoritarian? :rofl: So Stalin, Mao, Hitler, and all modern-day Communist leaders are anti-authoritarian?

Do you think before saying something or just regurgitate whatever you've heard on CNN? I'm not bashing, just genuinely curious.

p.s. "Far" right would be anarchists. Just FYI.
no major labels
they really suck
except for bad religion, can't get their sticker off my truck

i got my own agenda
i write the rules
i kno that was shopped and all (u can tell from the pixels and i have seen a lot of shops in my time) but goddam it makes me feel bad 4 the kid

not his fault his mom's a who're w/ abominable judgment and his dad's doing the hump em and dump em his melanin programmed him 2 do