You raff yuo roose v.3871

To be fair, putting a computer together that works probably requires a bit more intellect than taking a clock out of its shell and gluing it to a suitcase.

 Not much though 
Santa Claus, aka St. Nicolas is real... or was real.

In a part of the Roman Empire now Turkey, Santa Claus was known as the patron saint of prostitutes. Nikolaos of Myra (also Nicholas of Bari) was known to have given money to families to keep their daughters from being whores.

"Nicholas aided a poor man who had three daughters, but could not afford a proper dowry for them. This meant that they would remain unmarried and probably, in absence of any other possible employment, would have to become prostitutes. Even if they did not, unmarried women in those days would be assumed to be prostitutes. Hearing of the girls' plight, Nicholas decided to help them, but being too modest to help the family in public (or to save them the humiliation of accepting charity), he went to the house under the cover of night and threw three purses (one for each daughter) filled with gold coins through the window opening into the house."

Saint Nick maybe, pretty sure Santa was invented by Coca Cola though. Hence the red and white in an exact colour match.