You raff yuo roose v.3871

im not sure where to put this so, ill just leave this here.

Dating People Of Your Own Race Is Racist, According To Liberals

It seems like quite often we’re hearing the race card being played for anything from opposing the President’s political views to even pollution disproportionately affecting minorities and being called racist (yes that really happened), so it should come as no surprise that the latest “racist” action someone can take is only dating or marrying someone who is their own race.

A recent article on the rag site brought to light the newest accusation of racism when the author of the article pointed out something they saw on OKCupid. Apparently the dating website asks people different questions to allow them to get better matches for potential dates and one of them was if people would only date people within their own race.

The author was shocked to see that the majority of people answered “yes” to the question and it sent them into a 1,000+ word rant about how it’s racist for people to not date people of other races. Not once in the article does the author mention that physical attraction plays into who people decide to date, because that would make sense.

“There are good reasons to question the moral appropriateness of strong same-race preferences and their close cousin, in-group favoritism,” the author argued. Quoting liberal author Nancy DiTomaso, they continued that along with not dating outside of their race, white people are inherently racist because they tend to help their family and friends.

“As long as whites tend to dominate prestigious occupations, and as long as they control access to valuable social resources like access to good schools, the fact that whites, like all people, will do more to help family, friends, and acquaintances than strangers will tend to entrench racial inequality.”