You know you are getting old when...

AkumA said:
You have no idea how old this girl is


um 30? with a spray on tan, and lots of makeup, and she took 100's of photos to find one that didn't make her absolutely hideous. i'm sorry but there is something very scary about that girl, if it is even a girl that is.

Strange and wierd head tilting angles are signs of I look good only if I pose a certain way, and from straight on i'm a hideous beast. The internet has taught me that.
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AkumA said:
Is it me, or are they just lookin better now a days.

that girl is not hot. yes it seems like girls that age are hotter then when we were that age, but i think it is only because when you are 15 - 18 you are to busy looking ahead and not appreciating what is around you.
its hard to tell because she has too much makeup on.
makes even a 15 yr old looks like an ex-stripper
the tan doesnt help either
strange camera angle or head tilt usually means theyre holding the camera in front of them and that never produces a good pic