You can now buy in game pets for rl money

YouTube - Replace Gearscore now with TRH!

I'm guilty of buying two. Not to ever use mind you but to sell sometime down the road to retards on ebay for even more money.

Which some retards are already buying at $40-$80 dollars a piece on ebay already heh.

MMO-Champion BlueTracker | There's a "quantity" for digital downloads?

"The store itself does not act as a generator for loot codes, so a set number of codes had to be added to the store. That number is very high. If it's ever reached, we can add more. The item offer isn't intended to be of a limited quantity. "
1) That mount is fucking gay
2) I heard it made like $4 million in a couple of hours (~$500,000 per hour) or something.
3) Serious????
4) Blizz Profit
im not judging that blizzard is selling pets and mounts, its a company, they are doing it right.

what concerns me is people paying for the pets... mounts-I can kinda see that.. but pets... they don't do ANYTHING, they serve no purpose and people will pay for that... :shock:
I just can't believe people care enough. For instance, there's a guy from another server buying Mimi's head from us for 150k. Since he can't transfer that much gold on 1 character, he can either buy 130k worth of mats and sell them or transfer 8 characters. He chose to transfer 8 characters. How pathetic is your life to go through all that for a mount?
I just can't believe people care enough. For instance, there's a guy from another server buying Mimi's head from us for 150k. Since he can't transfer that much gold on 1 character, he can either buy 130k worth of mats and sell them or transfer 8 characters. He chose to transfer 8 characters. How pathetic is your life to go through all that for a mount?

I imagine it must be pretty nice to have that much spare money that you can spend on things like that.

Back on topic: Who cares if people spend money on pets, mounts, titles, achieve, etc? Its their money and they can do whatever they want with it, just as people don't tell me what to do with my own money on anything in life.

On Blizzard's end, they're doing what they are supposed to, aka make as much money as possible.
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Hah does it ever get to the point of taking advantage of people with an addiction? This is like upselling crack addicts. "Oh you want something special? Check out this Black and Silver does in no way really enhance the drugs, but it looks cool.. $60.. sold? awesome"
actually blizzard is more like the crack dealer who slowly degrades the quality of your regular dose (dumbing wow down and shitty servers forcing transfers) while adding charging you extra for the good stuff.
Wait so the new LFG system giving me hour long queues and stealing every tank and healer off the server isn't a great addition? what the titty fuck.
just wait till they let you buy gnomish queue manipulators for 1$ to let you skip to the front of the queue!!!! :boogie: