Yeah, there are tons of Fable threads...


Veteran X
But how many of them say how much ass it kicks instead of bitching?

Just got the pc version and I am damn impressed. I dunno what all the hubbub was about because this game is damn polished, and the gameworld really draws you in once you get used to the voices.

Im a few quests after the arena, but am just trying out different weapons and bullying the populas.

Fun! :sunny:
I do plan on playing jade empire eventually :(

What kinda stuff did fable not deliver on? I didn't follow it at all really before it came out-it always lead me to dissapointment when I followed games back in the day. I love how deep this game is for initially feeling like a dellitant feeling action rpg with nice graphics.
Uncle Slappy said:
If they hadn't promised so much, no one would be able to bitch. The game is great.
Exactly. Back when it was Project Ego, they claimed that you'd be able to shave just part of your face and a beard would grow in unevenly and various other things.
Honestly, shooting for the stars probably helped them. I still think it's cool how when I played the first time through as an archer my guy was very slender...I'm going through as a warrior now, and my guy is getting big and has more scars(which fade over time).
the game is very linear. yeah you can be good or bad, but there is very little difference between the two, especially with the two temples. you can go from full good to all bad complete with pasty whiteness and horns in about half an hour just clearing a town. they make you finish every quest, appairently in the world of heros there's no room for the apathetic guy that only does whats necessary and says fuck it mid mission a lot. they should have let you do that, but give you consequences. not being able to fail a mission makes the game seem really linear.
They need to make an MMO with 'age' such as Fable instead of levels. So when you're lvl 10 your character is a boy/girl that can only accomplish child-like quests and/or kill rabbits and squirrels. As you grow older your character gets older with age, can handle harder quests (common sense) and kill tougher animals, visually you'd be able to tell a lvl 3 from a lvl 20. This is just something I'd like to see in an MMO someday. :shrug:
I'm playing The Lost Chapters right now, and am about to go on some Orchard Farm mission. So far the game has been very dazzling, but the whole aging process went by incredibly quickly -- I was expecting it to be far more gradual. However, I wasn't expecting much else since I never listened to any of the hype prior to the original release -- the best way to go into a game by far.

How long does this game really last for your average player?
Took me 7 hours to beat it. That's a little too short to call a game an "immersive" experience.
I was really looking forward to this game because of all the hype, but i was stuck in Japan when it was released. I still haven't got it and i don't know if i ever will because of all the negative things i hear about it.
So tell me everybody, is it worth getting in the end?