Xbox360 Accessories...sweet...

If the PS3 is more advanced, MS will just take the sega approach and release another system in 2-3 years anyways.
Alvarez said:
If the PS3 is more advanced, MS will just take the sega approach and release another system in 2-3 years anyways.

The games will look amazing on both. By the time you notice any difference, if there is any it will be near the end of the consoles lifespans and it won't matter because the support base will already be there. You are not going to notice some massive difference in graphics between the two consoles with third party games; they will most likely be equal in graphics power. First party games will be the telling difference and even then it's the developers that make the difference.
orbital 123 said:
The games will look amazing on both. By the time you notice any difference, if there is any it will be near the end of the consoles lifespans and it won't matter because the support base will already be there. You are not going to notice some massive difference in graphics between the two consoles with third party games; they will most likely be equal in graphics power. First party games will be the telling difference and even then it's the developers that make the difference.

Well thats obvious thats the same it has always been however things are changing... going into the HD market for games changes alot... PS is going 1080p and I think XBox is going 720p... both are great and most games are prolly going to be 720p for awhile anyways. However the space that PS3 will have on Blu-Ray could make a pretty big difference in the quality. That quality graphics will take ungodly amounts of space.

That being said that wasn't my point... PS supports their systems for up to 6 damn year... gotta respect that.. They said Sony was one of the only systems still supporting their current system at E3.