WTF? When did Kate reveal her hoof?

I've never seen this pic before but I doubt it's new. Hoof revealed?

it looks like she might've been forced into shoes that were way too small for her feet as a child by a control-freak warped mother.

some japanese women in the past were ritually brought up in shoes that resembled little boxes. their feet looked like fuckin pig hooves :sick:
I remember the whole thread about her hoof, but there was never any good pictures off it because she was embarrassed about it.
there is another pic of her lying on her stomach facing the camera with her hoof up in the air behind her

i'm almost positive that that was her right foot as well.

which is the foot she always conceals? left or right?

that's an easy way to tell if these 2 pics were chopped or not
she did try to hide it, but even she admitted there were pictures of it around.

never seen that one, though.

edit: and i must be maturing, because i feel pretty crappy about how much shit we gave her because of it.
here you can see the top of the hoof (right foot)


right foot again. this one's questionable...


here's her right foot again (you can tell by the big toe orientation). this is the pic i spoke of before slightly nws (as if this entire thread is WS)

detective scosh on the case...