WTF [House]


Opens with a woman by her dying husband's bed. Classic House style, he's not the one with the problem - she is. She chokes because her throat closes up in a generally overused clip that House loves to play and they admit her.

Fast forward. Kutner is gone, as in not at work. House sends the doctor detectives to find him and he is in his bedroom, on the floor, shot in the head. We see a pool of blood, a pistol, and his legs.

They try CPR, but he's long gone.

Next, regular episode stuff happens.

Then, they think he committed suicide and House talks to Kutner's parents, blaming them. Not sure if you caught that part. They got upset.

Now you're caught up.
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Knowing fox, they either desperately needed to kick up ratings, or are planning to replace him with a smoking hot chick, or they will bring him back as his twin.