wtf has twich devolved into lol

homeless ppl need 2 buy homelessness insurance from goshin, then they can collect and our homeless problems are over :angel:
Tik Tok is for 16 year old American girls that want to shake their brand new breasts and have hordes of horny old guys feeding them attention so they can develop a textbook massive ego based on having accomplished absolutely nothing in life so they can sign on for a full lifespan devoid of learning, self-assessment, accountability, and any sort of skill development before they blow up into the marshmallow man from Ghostbusters 5 years later when they discover alcohol and one-night-stands.


to be honest tiktok is a Chinese company for Chinese girls to get attention from guys with money anywhere.

...and to test India's gov't.

...and whatever ghostbuster shit you were on about.
I watch Gundam, Upper Echelon Gaming, the quartering, and yongyea almost nightly.

The Quartering is relentless against the Regressives/SJWs/Marxists. Gundam is just fun to listen to. YongYea is straight up gaming news but not from an SJW nightmare POV which is nice to see. Upper Echelon Gaming is really good and prolly my favorite of them.
lolll 10k$

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How in the world do I find better/other things to do with my time... girls selling soft porn on Patreon using twitch and You tube. At least they won't need Goshins homeless insurance for a while...