WTF? Baby in the dryer and turned it on.


Veteran XV
Just unreal...
Harvey teen charged with killing baby; she put 5-month-old in dryer and turned it on - Breaking News from New Orleans - Times-Picayune -
"She was trying to watch something on television," Assistant District Attorney Amanda Calogero said. "She put the two older kids in a room, and she put the baby in the dryer" and turned it on.

During the three minutes Andre was in the dryer, he suffered skull fractures and extensive burns, Calogero said. The baby died at the scene, she said.

Smith initially told detectives that a pot of boiling water fell on the infant, Calogero said. She changed her story to say she hid Andre in the dryer as they played a game of hide-and-seek and that her son must have turned the dryer on.

Pressed further by detectives, Smith admitted that the children "were rambunctious and interfering with her television show," according to a Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office probable-cause affidavit.

Smith told detectives she removed clothing from the dryer, put the child in it and started the machine. Smith later removed the unresponsive baby, put the clothing back in the dryer and called her boyfriend and the baby's mother before calling authorities, according to the affidavit. Paramedics found the baby on Smith's living room floor with burns on his face, head, arms, legs and feet.

A judge last month found Smith was mentally competent at the time of the crime and is able to stand trial, court records show.

The sounds of the infant hitting the inner walls of the dryer hopefully haunt the bitch forever.
fucking bitch. i hope she is made to eat the pussy of large black women in prison for the rest of her life.
what the fuck

that solution doesnt even make sense

how do you go from annoyed -> get into the fucking dryer
ya now im actually curious what bitches do to each other in prison... is there an equivalent "dont drop the soap" situation?


Stories like this sort of overshadow our progression as a species. There will be an exhibit in an alien museum about how to fail as a species.

"Here, humans discovered fire, and started building permanent settlements."
"Then they discovered wheels, and began trading between settlements."
"Then they discovered radiation, and started drinking heavy water for their health."
"Then they created TV. Everything pretty much went to hell after that."
also thanks to this thread i came up with an awesome unregistered domain name :boogie:
ya now im actually curious what bitches do to each other in prison... is there an equivalent "dont drop the soap" situation?

They have a "family" system with one big bitch momma. I dont think rapings are as rampant. gropings may be more frequent though

I watch way more lockdown than I should
They have a "family" system with one big bitch momma. I dont think rapings are as rampant. gropings may be more frequent though

I watch way more lockdown than I should

do they also have conjugal visits and form bitch gangs and have crazy cat fights amazon wrestler style? :boogie: :brows: :hurry: :dapimp:
Smith told detectives she removed clothing from the dryer, put the child in it and started the machine. Smith later removed the unresponsive baby, put the clothing back in the dryer and called her boyfriend and the baby's mother before calling authorities, according to the affidavit. Paramedics found the baby on Smith's living room floor with burns on his face, head, arms, legs and feet.

...what the fuck? I mean honestly.
that baby most have had an unpleasant time of it before it died. I wonder if it got knocked out immediately or if it got burnt some first.