WoW Mages, what to do at 80?


Veteran X
The World of Warcraft Armory - Magewowkapow @ Gorgonnash - Profile

Here I am, just about to hit 79, I have 20 badges already, and I am going to whore this bastard through a thousands heroics.

My barrage of questions!

- Does Frost completely suck endgame? It appears that 57/3/11 is the cookie-cutter wtfpwn build and no one seems to even spec frost at 80 (or even fire really).

- Spellpower above all else? I read that 1 hit < cap = 1.5 sp but to never gem for hit.

Ok I only really have two, most were answered in rawr, ej and the wow forums. Any tips would be wicked too :D

PS: Feel free to laugh at my spec, I always wanted pyro so I tossed a point in. It's a little bit well... learn as you go spec :)
I'd go arcane and spec into both hit talents to give you a generous 210 hit requirment. You will probably go oom quickly but arcane missiles anytime you get a missile barrage proc to conserve your mana with the shit gear you'll have for a bit. It's obviously a bit far away for you but at 3,000 SP haste becomes more valuable than sp. Once you get around 990 haste you'll want to start staggering your cooldowns. Use my spec except move the 3 arcane stability points into arcane focus (link to armory in sig).
For Arcane till 3k sp (assuming hit cap) SP->Haste->Crit->Int->spirit

Try and get Talisman of Resurgence ASAP for you. Once you can hit around 25k mana buffed assume the normal rotation of Arcane blast x4 then arcane missiles once you get a missile barrage proc.

P.S. since we're on the same realm feel free to message me in game.
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Conflict seems to have lost most of the douchers, Vrag, Turkatron and Syatek to name a few. I think Conflict is more interested in shittalking Ascendence now.
Like Adroit said just spec arcane, your be able to do more damage then people with much better gear with no effort at all in any 5 man while you work on gear. Mage is a lot easier than even playing a ret paly, your gear isn't even as big a factor.

I use palypower to track arcane blast stacks and Missile Barrage procs, I have a macro to use Icy Veins and Arcane power at the same time, I use mirror image and that macro and hit 2 buttons in the boss fights, almost all the 5 man bosses die so fast that mana is never a issue.

For trash you flame strike, blizzard, flame strike, blizzard.. In half decent groups by the time flame strike and the first blizzard are done the pack is dead.

You might want to get something that tracks curses so you can decurse fast.

The class used to be more interesting to play in pve when you actually had to sheep a target, now you are a good dps mage by pressing 2 buttons, people won't even expect you to counterspell anything in 5 mans or even spell steal, they just heal through it all.
Nice log...RNG was kind to him. 50% uptime on two piece is about 10% more than average. No vile gas, got an innervate, 80% uptime on incanter's absorption (holy shit) and has dislodged foreign object (/hate).

Pretty sure I'm first in line for that fucking trinket...4 kills no drop >:|

It's a team effort.

He stands in melee.

He's also good friends with half the druids and myself (resto shaman). we put him in my group for mana tide totem, and he usually gets 2-3 innervates per fight. He also got a BL just for him that fight. lol.... oh and encanters, well one of our friends is the holy pally and sacred shield gets put on the mage too.
It's a team effort.

He stands in melee.

He's also good friends with half the druids and myself (resto shaman). we put him in my group for mana tide totem, and he usually gets 2-3 innervates per fight. He also got a BL just for him that fight. lol.... oh and encanters, well one of our friends is the holy pally and sacred shield gets put on the mage too.
Never mind, he sounds bad then
Run heroics, spec arcane. Arcane Blast x4 then Arcane Missles if Missile Barrage has proc'd, otherwise use Arcane Barrage to clear your stack. When mana is not an issue, you can just spam Arcane Blast continuously in heroics for max damage. +hit is the most important stat you have up until it's capped, then spellpower and haste. Do not bother buying the T9 chest piece, it sucks. Buy the remaining 4 pieces and pick up either a Merlin's Robe from the AH or get one of the common chest drops from TOC.
Your post reeks of jealousy with a slight hint of faggot Adroit, I'm just sayin.

Actually I was being complimentary in the first's a good log. The only thing I'm jealous of is the trinket though. A mage getting that much raid support isn't good for the raid. Having to stand in the center on Festergut? That's kind of a Crutch.

And if anyone comes out sounding like a faggot it's you tend to in all your posts and noted throughout this whole subforum. And from the sounds of're worse at the game than trolling which is pretty fucking pitiful considering how easy this game is.
Run heroics, spec arcane. Arcane Blast x4 then Arcane Missles if Missile Barrage has proc'd, otherwise use Arcane Barrage to clear your stack. When mana is not an issue, you can just spam Arcane Blast continuously in heroics for max damage. +hit is the most important stat you have up until it's capped, then spellpower and haste. Do not bother buying the T9 chest piece, it sucks. Buy the remaining 4 pieces and pick up either a Merlin's Robe from the AH or get one of the common chest drops from TOC.
Should never use arcane barrage to clear a stack because A) it costs more mana and B) Does less damage in 1 second than an unhasted missile barrage does over 3+ seconds. The only time you should Arcane Barrage is while moving. Arcane barrage in any mage's rotation is pre-Ulduar.
Frost is only used for PVP. Which as a mage is the most challenging of the 4 classes I've played at endgame (Rogue / Priest / Warrior / Mage) It's a masochist's business.
Conflict seems to have lost most of the douchers, Vrag, Turkatron and Syatek to name a few. I think Conflict is more interested in shittalking Ascendence now.

Honestly, when Brett and Broski moved over and I was benched/social'd/whatever I could barely stand the people in conflict just talking in guild. I really wanted to quit and actually sort of did before they were like, "hey you're a warlock, and we're short casters want to raid?" and got me in. Then, they realized I wasn't a fucking sped, didn't die every pull, and would do good damage despite having lackluster gear and DPS, and kept me around.

Law had been trying his hardest to get me in, and met a ton of resistance. I thought it was from all the officers, but it seems like once Vragath left everything was clear.

It's tons better now, imo. They seemed to have cleaned house a bit, got rid of a lot of the kiddies (Syatek), kept only a few of the bad "friend" players around. Now, we're actually killing shit without people charging into mobs they're supposed to run away from and just being chock full of retards. I'm glad. I've grown a lot more patient about WoW, but I still have my gamer limits.
Never mind, he sounds bad then

Do you honnestly believe what you just said? Bad for the raid? give those buffs to someone else in our raid and I assure you their DPS won't increase nearly as much. He gets that much because he is the better DPS. Would you throw your cooldowns on someone who's terrible? or would you put them on a DPS that knows how to DPS? Healers don't need innervate, and the tanks have a shaman/pally healing them. They don't need sacred shield.

And standing in melee isn't a crutch. Put the minimum amount of players in ranged to prevent melee from being barfed on, and throw the rest in melee. It's no differant than hard mode Vezyx. In fact, sitting more than needed in ranged is a crutch for shitty healers, since you're admiting that you're going to let someone in ranged die and need more bodies to satisfy the minimum range count. More than needed in ranged is bad for effective DPS since more movement is needed for collapsing/speading out during spores.
I think Conflict is more interested in shittalking Ascendence now.

because a couple of us raid with ascen

i don't see the point of arguing whos better/worse, one is usually one boss ahead of the other, which is :lol:

its like arguing over who is less shitty, because both guilds are fucking terrible

I wasn't aware this server had good guilds
I just get tired of how negative people in conflict are, in stk we would complain about the game but had fun playing together, very few people really had problems with other people in the guild, so we would complain about the game and how lame it is but keep playing because of all the shit talking on vent.

In conflict almost everyone seems to just talk shit about everyone else, they do it so often they don't even think about it, they shit about me while I am in the vent channel and constantly say stuff about people I talk to all the time in STK. Everything gets back to the people that they are talking about from somebody or several people, the end result is a bunch of people not wanting to help out other people that they are in the same guild with.