Would you ever go to a place like this?

This kind of place would probably desensitize anyone who is raised there, which would suck.... Ass.

Jesus, can you think of the procedure to get a kid in there? He's at fucking eye-level with all of the cocks and musty vaginas.

"Okay Tommy, just take your pants off for Daddy... please stop fighting it. You can be free, like us! *penis flaps around*"

On the other hand, I guess it shows that I have an above-average penis after looking at these pics. I'm always comparing to porn stars and that just doesn't help my self esteem.
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ToV VendettA said:
That has to be fake... isn't it like freezing cold at skydiving heights?

Tis not fake. People do it alot, sure it would be cold at that height with such high windspeeds. I also remember seeing a video of some guys wang that wasnt secured, it was flappin around, funny shit.
Kaiser(A) said:
"My penis says the ground is this way"

ToV VendettA said:
That has to be fake... isn't it like freezing cold at skydiving heights?

ns sherlock

his pensi is not flattened up but the gurlies are distorted?

look like a PS job to me.
