Worst PC Game?


Veteran X
I would have to say, recently, it has to have been Spider-Man 2. The lackluster control in comparison to the consoles (there's a first) as well as the bland gameplay just turned me the wrong way. Soldner, though, was a close second due to its completely unfinished state.
I am starting to get pissed off with Doom 3 enough to call it the most over-hyped game ever, but the worst has to go to Extreme Paintball.
It HAS to be Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing ... it's not even a comparison. As far as a game that's semi-well-known, it's have to be Total AnnihilationL Kingdoms ... God what a disappointment. Catwoman sucks ass as to be expected, and the Tomb Raider: Dark and Gothy or whatever the fuck was pretty shitty too.