Woman dies in Wii contest

I did not know that you could drink so much water as to be dangerous... Can someone explain this?

Yes, it's possible to drink too much water. Water has little to no electrolytes in it and if you consume too much it will flush them out resulting in Water Intoxication/Hyponatremia.

There's a normal gradient of water/sodium within cells. If you drink too much water the excess water outside of the cells will draw sodium out by means of osmosis through the cell walls. The cells also absorb some of the excess water which could even lead the cells themselves to burst in theory. Drinking excessive amounts of water can cause fluid to collect inside of the lungs. However, the true danger is in the brain; the excess pressure on the brain and nerves can cause similar symptoms of being drunk.

In extreme cases it can cause strokes, comas, and in the most serious cases even death.

We had to learn about this before we deployed to Iraq. Supposedly a full grown healthy adult can process 15 liters of water a day through your kidneys...that's a ton of water. So you must make sure that you are injesting electrolytes (That's why there's so much sodium in Dining Facility food and MRE's Meals Ready-to Eat). The real problem is binge drinking water...drinking it much too fast. I'm sure that's what killed the woman.

That was actually about the first thing I did :)

A person with two healthy kidneys can excrete about 1.5 litres of water per hour at maximum filtration (other studies find the limit to be as little as 0.9L/h [1]). Consuming as little as 1.8 litres of water in a single sitting may prove fatal for a person adhering to a low-sodium diet, or 3 litres for a person on a normal diet. However, this must be modulated by potential water losses via other routes. For example, a person who is perspiring heavily may lose 1 L/h of water through perspiration alone, thereby raising the threshold for water intoxication. The problem is further complicated by the amount of electrolytes lost in urine or sweat, which is variable within a range controlled by the body's regulatory mechanisms.
no she'd probably end up with alcohol poisoning

It wasn't a chugging contest, it was a who pisses last wins contest.

Give them 6 beers each, and watch them squirm.

Nobody had to die, beer is a diuretic, they could have done it with coffee too.
It wasn't a chugging contest, it was a who pisses last wins contest.

Give them 6 beers each, and watch them squirm.

Nobody had to die, beer is a diuretic, they could have done it with coffee too.


Ya know, I feel for the lady and all, but I'm lmao at the TW lawyering crew. There's no case here. Sure someone will try, but to win you'd have to proove they could have had any idea that drinking WATER could kill you. Not to mention, in order to participate in the contest, they must have signed release forms that are as thick as a Webster's.
Now the same fucking morons that claim artificial sweeteners cause cancer should conclude that water is deadly and should not be consumed.