Window Tint :( I got a ticket :(

In Iowa you can have anything on the back/rear windows, but the front sides/winshield have to be at 70%. I had a car with 20% on the fronts and 5% in the back. I got about 3-4 tickets in a year but they never made me remove it or anything. Tint looks awesome on black cars so fuck it.
I've been wanting to get my two front windows tinted to match the back, do dealerships do tinting?

Go to a sweet car audio place that tints windows and pay them cash, they'll put whatever you want on and give you a receipt that says something like "Head Unit install $200"
5% tint on all my back windows, 35% on my driver and passenger side window, and a sun strip. booyaaa

love it, keeps most of the heat out and looks classy. (only looks good on non-beaters imo) aka any car above 20k.
police pull over beater cars, especially when they come out of a drug neighborhood.

so the idea is !!-- have a nice car, and don't live in a shitty area.
I have 35% and will get 20% once this stuff gets too scratched. Its really tight against the stuff on the inside i guess and is getting scratches vertically since i have to put my window down all the time to get on base :(
on that note, ive got 20% all the way around--but I have a new subaru forester (an old lady mom car), which doesnt get pulled due to not being a beater p.o.s.

SUV have no limits except the front ~35% in VA
I have my tint at 5% (darkest pitch black) Only my backsides & back window. I got pulled over last week & I actually asked the cop if it was cool to have it that dark. He said as long as the front windows arent tinted im cool, so thats the law here in NJ
Just got a ticket for having tint too dark which sucks because it has been like this for 2+ years now. Tint isn't even that dark I just got it to match my factory tint on back windows. Well the thing that sucks is my parents got pulled over 10 minutes before I and got a warning!

To get revenge you write the Mayor of the city saying you won't be spending your money in their city. That would include buying gas, eating at restaurants, and you'll tell everyone not to visit and move away. Send the e-mail once a month saying you spent money in other cities.
man I had to look it up

"The lyrics concern racial profiling and police brutality, as well as the stereotyping of African Americans driving a vehicle with drugs or other contraband on the inside ("riding dirty")"

the more you know

that is in reference to the song

Riding dirty means riding illegally whter its with a gun, no insurance, expired registration, or broken headlights

also alpine be lucky they didnt scratch ur tint and tint is gay nowadays

fishbowl is whats in
on that note, ive got 20% all the way around--but I have a new subaru forester (an old lady mom car), which doesnt get pulled due to not being a beater p.o.s.

SUV have no limits except the front ~35% in VA

"You can't get no ass behind clear glass."

I love VA.
To get revenge you write the Mayor of the city saying you won't be spending your money in their city. That would include buying gas, eating at restaurants, and you'll tell everyone not to visit and move away. Send the e-mail once a month saying you spent money in other cities.

This sounds like a huge waste of time. Its not like they are going to send your money back or send an apology.

The other problem in Florida is that you can't just pay the ticket, you have to have the removed. You have your tints stripped, bring it to the police station to have them sign your ticket, THEN you pay the ticket. They won't let you pay the ticket w/ out the police verification. And if you don't pay they suspend your license.
To get revenge you write the Mayor of the city saying you won't be spending your money in their city. That would include buying gas, eating at restaurants, and you'll tell everyone not to visit and move away. Send the e-mail once a month saying you spent money in other cities.

:rolleyes: That'll really work!
This sounds like a huge waste of time. Its not like they are going to send your money back or send an apology.

The other problem in Florida is that you can't just pay the ticket, you have to have the removed. You have your tints stripped, bring it to the police station to have them sign your ticket, THEN you pay the ticket. They won't let you pay the ticket w/ out the police verification. And if you don't pay they suspend your license.


What about out of state people?

What about out of state people?

No idea. In FL its considered unsafe equipment, but if your car is registered/tagged in another state where its legal I guess they couldn't force you to strip em. I'm not sure what you would do...