Will we ever go to war with North Korea?

I'm kinda hoping we nip it in the butt...get some south koreans killed, and just don't have this problem in another 50 years.
That scenario is as likely as a solar powered road oh wait rofl

Goshin, how does a dirt pooor country (read Fool's post above for "perspective" lol) get the means to develop nukes, this after the Tet (ty China) offensive drove the west out. NK is a first line of defense. As for China they must be smiling having a "crazy" and ferocious anti west country on their border.

It's being under China's umbrella that NK was allowed to get a first nuke and the ones surely to accrue thereafter.

Would be nice to see some footage from the supposed "stealth" aircraft available to the US of America.

Yup, just like the when D-day landings drove the Kaiser out of the Bay of Pigs. Spain just was never the same after that.
No, NK will actually put up a fight, and the US for the past half a century has focused solely on punching armless and legless children. Or rather, creating them in conflicts vs rice farming gooks (which they lost) and vs Arabs (grats on that one, America).
Hopefully it escalates quickly so that it resolves quickly.

I heard the prisons are full, so send the Nov 4 treason quad in as first wave in a beach attack. It will make for a great level in future FPS. Send some of those news channels in there with them, for live footage and commentary during the great "Red Bull - Nov 4 Treason-Quad - Rush". Coming soon on Playstation.
Those saying no... you sure you're just not really hoping we don't or do you really think we won't?

There’s “no way to stop” Kim Jong Un’s regime and its missile and nuclear program, a North Korea expert told Fox News on Thursday, the warning coming amid Pyongyang's continued threats to sink Japan and blast the U.S. “into ashes and darkness.”

Leading Seoul-based North Korea expert Andrei Lankov told Fox News that Kim Jong Un is accelerating his missile and nuclear program “much faster than anybody expected.”

“They want to get the point of having a sufficient number of intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of destroying a sufficient number of American cities,” Lankov said.

North Korea expert: 'No way to stop' Kim Jong Un's regime | Fox News
North Korea’s latest nuclear test was so powerful it reshaped the mountain above it

New radar satellite images show the Sept. 3 nuclear test by North Korea was powerful enough to sink a roughly 85-acre area on the peak of a mountain above the tunnels where the test likely took place.

North Korea carries out its nuclear tests in a complex of tunnels at its Punggye-ri site and images of the mountains, in this case Mt. Mantap, above it can give experts a sense of where the device was tested exactly and how powerful it was.

The new Synthetic Aperture Radar satellite images, captured before and after Sept. 3, showed “significant changes at Mount Mantap’s peak elevation. Prior to the test, Mount Mantap was 2,205 meters high; the mountain has since diminished in height,” wrote Jeffrey Lewis, head of the East Asia program at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies in California.

“You can see that the explosion visibly displaces the mountain, which demonstrates both how large the explosion was but also that it occurred in the same tunnel complex as the preceding four nuclear tests,” Lewis wrote on the Arms Control Wonk website. “This is useful because the relationship between the size of the explosion and the magnitude of the seismic signals is sensitive to the overburden — how much rock is above the explosion.”

We gonna fight
Oh boy they have 100kt nukes

Whatever will america do

Better look out! They're 17x more powerful than Hiroshima and Nagasaki!!!!!
ur overestimating the power of nuclear warheads bro. not ur fault, 50 years of us propaganda had this goal.

even assuming zero missile defense and a 100% hit rate, it takes multiple nukes to take out a major us city. at best nk has the arsenal to take out like, a state. yes that would be a massive disaster, but so far from the annihilation of the us it's not even worth discussing. and again, this is assuming zero duds, zero misses, and no attempts at interception.

and what then? nk is now defenseless with every nuke in the world pointed at it. makes absolutely no fucking sense for them to start shit, and they won't.
I agree that it makes no fucking sense whatsoever. No argument there. I don't think we are dealing with sense much less common sense

North Korea said Thursday that Pyongyang should use nuclear weapons to "sink" Japan and turn the United States into "ashes and darkness" as the country increased threats following new United Nations sanctions over its nuclear program.

"The four islands of the archipelago should be sunken into the sea by the nuclear bomb of Juche. Japan is no longer needed to exist near us," the Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee said in a statement published by the North’s KCNA news agency.

So we accept a nuclear nk? I doubt it. You think the world is going to suddenly stop what it has been saying and agree to NK being a nuclear power?

It could happen I guess. I think that crazy fucker is going to start something and NK is going to overreact