Will the Democrats put up a white male for president in the next 50 years?

Ya, its also demographics and community size, etc. which is why a federalized nationwide catch-all government is a terrible idea.

In a west virginia mining town, you're talking about a pretty small population density. Winona VW is 15 people per square mile - so you're likely to know people in your community and know their situations. So a more communist styled government makes sense because no one minds working for the benefit of people they really know.

The problem with the liberal agenda is when it's applied to massive populations like LA - wtf is the point of working hard to support homeless bums that are complete strangers? At that point its just meaningless talking points and feel feels.

That's the key to a successful America, small localized governments that are responsive to the needs of their communities.

Tele u prob have some meme photos on how the Israelis are trying to keep the black jew Ethiopians out despite them coming from a longer and purer history of Judaism then your average mixed blood European court servant.
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