Wikipedia bans Church of Scientology


Veteran XV
Wikipedia bans Church of Scientology from site | News |

WIKIPEDIA has banned members of the Church of Scientology from contributing to articles in a bid to stamp out biased information.

The site's administrators allegedly decided to impose the ban after finding members of the church were changing articles related to Scientology to promote their interests.


According to evidence found by Wikipedia, multiple users with known scientology IP addresses had been "openly editing (Scientology-related articles) from Church of Scientology equipment and apparently coordinating their activities".

edit: swapped for a different (less shitty) article. original link
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Wow. Seriously zero pay? I mean they have to get some kind of funding or something!
just doing a cursory glance of their administration and arbitration system, I found there's literally hundreds of admins for the english site alone, and hundreds more "potentials". there's a lot of people out there that have made wikipedia a hobby.
good for them. the lock most hot button issues so people can't just go in and hide somewhere on the pro choice website that killing kids really is a sin bla bla bla.
Wikipedia admins/enthusiasts are fucking nutso. There's pages and pages of stuff just on this case. They're writing all this shit and doing all this research and citation for 0 pay.

In case anyone missed the irony, this was written by a Tdub.