Wii outsells 360, PS3, and PSP

Have to admit that the lack of interesting games for the Wii is why mine hasn't been on in a while. When we have people over Boom Blox is a hit and get the most attention but other than that I'm playing my 360 more just because of title selection.

In the new year "The Conduit" is coming out and it looks very promising. I could care-less about graphics so long as there is a good art direction and the gameplay is solid. For the last couple of months the Wii titles have been shovelware and not interesting...

Wii Music looks like a joke only because of the track listings not because it's any less gimmicky than GH or RB.
i played a lot with my wii the last year but since summer started i haven't touched it. beat everything worth playing and nothing is out :(

cmon 3rd party developers, step up you pussies
this your first time looking at NPDs in like 3 years?

Wii and DS print money, but it doesn't mean it's any good.
Mine hasnt been seriously played since i got my 360 in february. I finished Mario Galaxy and havent picked it up since.
people are stocking up on wiis before obama puts a ban on them. the wiimote makes shooting games too realistic.
I've had Wii for a year. My daughter likes Zelda and Metroid. The games people rave about are basically a bunch of mini games - Boom Blox, Mario Galaxy, etc... that I just find incredibly boring after half an hour. If you don't want to play mini games or gayed up soccer or racing, there's no good two player co-op games.

I can't believe the most successful console doesn't have at least a mediocre selection for adult males.
How is this even possible? I thought nintendo only produced like 2 Wii's a week. and lol at people that actually bought a wii to play zelda and RE4. Should have just got a gamecube for $50 instead.

Microsoft doesn't have an ounce of inovation in them but they manage to always give the people what they want even if it means copying other peoples ideas. Also their partnership with game developers will ensure that they are the choice console for "real" gamers. Plus they own the online console market.

I see the PS3 lasting 10 years as long as they keep making games for it. I think a lot of homes will eventually have a PS3 as a second console if for nothing else to double as a blu ray player.

I had read that both Sony and Microsoft would be Pulling a Wii a la nintendo by releasing consoles only slightly more powerful than their current gen. It would make no sense to rush anything anyways as there is still a lot of untapped potentional in the PS3 and Microsoft can't launch a product to save their life and it takes time for them to patch and fix it up so they are better to take their time and get it right lest they repeat the same RROD fiasco.

If there is anything to look forward to next gen it will be nintendo who reportedly spent 350 mil in research and development since launching the gamecube after having spent only 36 mil in R&D on it. I salivate at the thought of nintendo developing for a powerful next gen console and after letting sony and microsoft experience growing pains while turning a profit, they are poised to take the console market by storm with their more mature technology.
dear god nintendo just make something that is at least decent looking (on par with the next gens from sony/ms)

im tired of sticking by nintendo only to find that the games don't have more than 10 hours of appeal 90% of the time
Xbox 360's Lifespan Will Be 'One Day Longer Than the PS3,' says Shane Kim - Video Game News, Video Game Coverage, Video Game Updates, PC Game News, PC Game Coverage - GameDaily

I thought this was an interesting article pertaining to the lifecycle of current gen consoles. I think it will be awhile before we see a new console. It takes time before company begins to recoup research costs and start rolling a profit and neither comapny seems to be in a hurry to release a new one. If any one has any incentive I would have to say it's nintendo. They need to release a true HD solution with more powerful hardware but it's hard to argue when you have the most profitable console on the market already.

PS3 is losing money on each console they sell because of how expensive blu ray and cell chips are to produce (as much as $300 per console !!) but they need to reduce prices even more if they wish to remain competitive where as microsoft has been in the black for almost 2 years now! Next step for xbox will be a die shrink where the cpu and GPU will be on the same chip ( code named valhala) so look for a slim xbox a la slim ps2 in the near future.
You can bet the PS4 and Xbox7200 will both be out by Christmas 2010. They're both extremely lucky that there's no real room for graphical advances.
waaat!? I'd bet with you but I don't want to take your money. 2010 is too soon. Maybe 2011...maybe. Again nintendo thrives on it's niche market but honestly the novelty of their console is starting to wear thin. Xbox owns the online market and is at the magical price point of sub $200. People are just starting to jump on the xbox bandwagon now that their system has become more reliable. PS3 is still in the red so how can they possibly justify releasing a new console?

If you want to compare it to the PC market for a second as both are intertwined. The most popular games are still based on old engines ie. source, TF2 etc.. with the only game to really push todays systems being crysis. Graphically demanding games is what drives hardware sales and at this point I just don't see it.
waaat!? I'd bet with you but I don't want to take your money. 2010 is too soon. Maybe 2011...maybe. Again nintendo thrives on it's niche market but honestly the novelty of their console is starting to wear thin. Xbox owns the online market and is at the magical price point of sub $200. People are just starting to jump on the xbox bandwagon now that their system has become more reliable. PS3 is still in the red so how can they possibly justify releasing a new console?

If you want to compare it to the PC market for a second as both are intertwined. The most popular games are still based on old engines ie. source, TF2 etc.. with the only game to really push todays systems being crysis. Graphically demanding games is what drives hardware sales and at this point I just don't see it.

The Wii had double the sales of the 360 after the fake $199 version of the 360. The Wii is not a niche, it's clearly the majority. It's the 360 and PS3 that are "niche" consoles right now, hardcore gamers just don't want to admit they're the minority.

The 360 came out 4 years after the original Xbox. It's been 3 years since the release of the 360. Now while there's no reason for MS to push a new console out in a disastrous, warranty extending rush, it's not unlikely that their new console will be in stores by Christmas 2010, 2011 at the absolute latest.
I bought a Wii last week for my kids for Christmas. They are not old enough to play and enjoy the games for the Xbox or PS3. I don't play console games so I have no problem buying a Wii.