Why wont any other games measure up?

It's not like Tribes was developed to be the game it was...face it, most of the skill sets were accidents, or not foreseen by developers. The great thing was that the code allowed for creativity in making new "moves" up. Skiing is discovered, and once you had heavies flying all over creation, LD began to develop mine discs to counter....disc jumping became a way to make faster flag grabs than before, so body blocking became a necessary skill. There was always a way to counter any new skillset that developed. I'm not sure you can code a game to be that way, I think you have to basically just luck your way into writing the right code that allows for so much creativity.

Every time we played, we saw something new. Then everyone wanted to either learn to emulate that, or learn how to stop it. The more we played, the better we were, and the better we were, the more you had to play.
Capaholic said:
It's not like Tribes was developed to be the game it was...face it, most of the skill sets were accidents, or not foreseen by developers. The great thing was that the code allowed for creativity in making new "moves" up. Skiing is discovered, and once you had heavies flying all over creation, LD began to develop mine discs to counter....disc jumping became a way to make faster flag grabs than before, so body blocking became a necessary skill. There was always a way to counter any new skillset that developed. I'm not sure you can code a game to be that way, I think you have to basically just luck your way into writing the right code that allows for so much creativity.

Every time we played, we saw something new. Then everyone wanted to either learn to emulate that, or learn how to stop it. The more we played, the better we were, and the better we were, the more you had to play.

That sums it up.....
I don't think it's be possible to recreate what Tribes was.

It was a fluke of a game which came around just as most people were kicking over to broadband from dail up. I was simple to pick up and difficult to master. It was complex without being overly complex. Tribes had it all and was innovative beyond its time. It was new and nothing else came close. Newness wears off eventually.

Tribes, most of all, was an accident. I don't think I can ever recall a bug (e.g. skiing) which took a good game and made it great.

I also think the community is what made Tribes great. Unfortunately, the community also brought it down with cheats and hacks. Reading some of the posts lately on TW (re: cheaters) reminds me of why I finally left Tribes forever.
Decent was my first game. Then It was Tribes and i have to say that none of the new games compare to the game play tribes offered. When I try out new games and stuff i feel like everything is much slower than tribes, and not as go get em'. Tribes just had the edge from sking, awesome game play...besides the fuckin ski bugs. And just a very competitive community. I miss the Tribes That we played 3-4 years ago
Tribes was the Michael Jordan of Online Gaming. These new games are like Lebron and Carmelo. They're hyped real big but there is no 'the next Jordan'. Tribes was like magic, like a fucking drug. All these other games are just games.
I dont think you can every recreate tribes..not in the fps genre anyway, not in the exact same way. Tribes was the pacesetter in its time. It brought new facets to gaming, community, ladders..etc. Every game now, to me anyway, is taking something from tribes and making it something else.

Its like trying to make another jimmy hendrix. There will be others, there may even be better (in some ways, but there will never be another that meant the same to the people who were interested at that time because of the innovations that were introduced. And those innovations shaped everything that came after.
Capaholic said:
It's not like Tribes was developed to be the game it was...face it, most of the skill sets were accidents, or not foreseen by developers. The great thing was that the code allowed for creativity in making new "moves" up. Skiing is discovered, and once you had heavies flying all over creation, LD began to develop mine discs to counter....disc jumping became a way to make faster flag grabs than before, so body blocking became a necessary skill. There was always a way to counter any new skillset that developed. I'm not sure you can code a game to be that way, I think you have to basically just luck your way into writing the right code that allows for so much creativity.

Every time we played, we saw something new. Then everyone wanted to either learn to emulate that, or learn how to stop it. The more we played, the better we were, and the better we were, the more you had to play.

This is what sucks about other multiplayer FPS type games - there doesn't seem to be the same room for innovation. Everything is so rigid in terms of game design that there are very few 'healthy' exploits or innovations. Any discoveries seem to fall into the "cheap and annoying exploits" category.

If you want to design a very controlled multiplayer experience then you HAVE to be like Blizzard and keep a strong focus on gameplay balance in order to maintain the quality of the experience.

The problem is that people want to control the experience but they lack the skill or resources to continue patching and modifying the game for the first 6 months to one year in order to keep up with the innovations and exploits.
One reason you could do the stuff in Tribes is that you dont die from one shot like most other games and you could fly.

I think the gameplay can be done again and even in a different genre maybe...Like have a comp that involves aliens around the universe coming together and fighting each other via a puppet master for the win. A intergalatic wargame for keeps. Each alien would have a different weapon / skillset and could be counterd by another alien.. Hell put in a human that is reminescent of a Tribes player...
Have a control screen that would remote control your small vehicles in the game like a hover sled and unicycle-The remote would make your vehicle fly on its own to you so you could make a quick getaway.
I have been racking my brain and drawing up concepts like this to show off to publisher to get another kickass game out.

It is the subtle stuff that worked for Tribes and if publishers can find that again it will be great.
i completely agree

the only games that last more than one through are strategy games...and once i figure out to beat the CPU in those (usually within a week) back to the shelf they go....

online strategy games are usually fun, but the amount of douches/retards you run into really kills the games (cheap rushes, etc)

nothing and ntohing is like tribes :(