Why respawn vehicles?


I'm just curious, why did you guys decide to ditch the old system of buying vehicles and go for a countdown timer/regen system.

To me it just seems like it won't be as much fun. Any particular gameplay reasons?
I can think of 2 reasons:

1) Speeds up competitive gaming if you take out the "buy" step

2) Makes vehicles a more valuble asset. If you take out a vehicle and it just comes back it's an overpowering force. To balance that you'd have to make them worthless (tribes1) or required (tribes2 base).

You could very likely have a mobile air fortress with a respawn timer of 5 minutes making it hurt if you don't use it correctly.

Just my thoughts anyways, I suppose it won't work out as great in pub play, but shouldn't be any worse than bf1942. It should actually be better since from what I understand vehicles aren't required to win (you can't win in bf1942 with just foot soldiers).
Also, it will be better than bf1942 because the vehicles spawn only in one designated place.
Another good reason is to get rid of, or reduce, station sniping.
station sniping appears to be a problem on some pubs as it gets a lot of complaints. But really it's just a sub division of o-sniping which is pretty much hated everywhere. You have to figure if some one is just standing around waiting for a respawn they probably deserve to get shot in the face anyways.
Sir Lucius said:
station sniping appears to be a problem on some pubs as it gets a lot of complaints. But really it's just a sub division of o-sniping which is pretty much hated everywhere. You have to figure if some one is just standing around waiting for a respawn they probably deserve to get shot in the face anyways.
Goes in the same vein as 'afk' meaning 'a free kill'
Also some of us are fed up of our bases getting owned and needing a vehicle, but the gens are down, and the vehicle station is destroyed. I guess now we wont have that problem.. or will we? Is there a way to stop the enemy vehicles from spawning? THat would be pretty cool, maybe a vehicle spawn generator deep inside enemy base. Just an idea :)
One thing I've always liked about Tribes is that you make the deicisions. Want to HO? Pick your quickFav and go. Want to LD? Switch up armor types and go. Want to get a vehicle? Run to the station and pick the one you want. This kind of decision making is fun, at least for me. I understand their mentality is making vehicles spawn on their own, but I personally dislike this change very much. Maybe it's because I dont like BF 1942 very much (lol people complained about T2 being slow? BF1942 is like quicksand mixed with quickrete). Being able to hop in a vehicle and go is all well and good for pubs, but for comp play it seems much more "professional" or "competitive" to pick your vehicles.

I understand that this change also comes along with vehicles being changed to a "support" role, instead of a "required" role, which is a good thing, IMO. Still I guess I just like the feeling of going to a station, picking what I want, and getting exactly what I want. There's something more satisfying about that I guess.
Somehow it doesn't seem quite the same...

For me, having a vehile spawn feels too much like the devs want to plan out the ebb and flow of the game, so that each team can 'attack' at 5mintes 12minutes and 17min and transport at other times...

I personally just don't feel a vehicle spawn would feel right...it almost sounds like a gimmik...I'll wait for beta to really complain tho. :)
It is true.. I am more worried about the time between spawning.. In tribes 2 things were controlled and each vehicle had a limit. How will this work here? I would hate having ot wait 5 minutes to get a "shrike" and go to the enemy base. In tribes 2 you can just buy and go. Lets just hope they organise that correctly
The idea of the respawn is that it cuts out the buy step, so more than one person can get a vehicle at once. And while we're all assuming there's a time out period, it's also possible that respawn would happen right after destruction.

I don't know if they'll have vehicle bay gens or actual pad destruction of each spawn point. I don't know which I would like more either.
I like the idea of respawn 2 seconds after destruction. At the beginning of the round, players can just hop in a vehicle and jet off, not having to wait for spot to buy a vehicle and whatnot.

I personally love this change, it was well thought out to make the game faster.
The problem is that with this, you won't be able to make a double LPC or a triple Scout rush on the enemy that fast as in T1. I mean that even if every vehicle has its own spawn pad (wich will take up a lot of place in bases), you will still have to wait some time to get the same vehicle as the guy before you just did. You would have to add as many Scout spawn pads for example as the maximum number of Scouts in the game to avoid this. This, however, would turn the base into an airport.
I think the whole point they are trying to make is that a three LPC or scout rush is not supposed to be a valid tactic anymore. They said vehicles are "support" and not "essential"(they were in T2, not in T1) now, so I guess this is part of their reasoning in making them spawn on a timer. I don't like this, but I see where they are headed in taking the game back to the infantry.
Amadeu5 said:
The problem is that with this, you won't be able to make a double LPC or a triple Scout rush on the enemy that fast as in T1. I mean that even if every vehicle has its own spawn pad (wich will take up a lot of place in bases), you will still have to wait some time to get the same vehicle as the guy before you just did. You would have to add as many Scout spawn pads for example as the maximum number of Scouts in the game to avoid this. This, however, would turn the base into an airport.

Well, sans runway. I suppose it'd take up a lot of polys. From the SS it's looked like they had garages
Amadeu5 said:
The problem is that with this, you won't be able to make a double LPC or a triple Scout rush on the enemy that fast as in T1. I mean that even if every vehicle has its own spawn pad (wich will take up a lot of place in bases), you will still have to wait some time to get the same vehicle as the guy before you just did. You would have to add as many Scout spawn pads for example as the maximum number of Scouts in the game to avoid this. This, however, would turn the base into an airport.
I thought skiing made those tactics mostly worthless in t1. I understand how having 8 heavies flying along can be a somewhat fearsome force, spewing boomies, but these days a few elite lights can take out that force while a couple ho's own the gens and someone else caps the flag. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

I think what they're going for is the effect that the gravcycle had in t2. It basically made you faster with more hp, but you couldn't fly or shoot. It was an effective vehicle but not wholly necessary. Teams still won without using it.