Why I hate cigarettes


Veteran X
This is for anyone I know or have played with for the last 5 years in the tribes community. It is a long read so if you don't care, don't read.

Well last night my apartment building burned down. In the process I lost everything that I own. At around 230 last night my roommate was chilling with his gf after they got home from the bars. He noticed a wierd light outside and went to check it out. He discovered that the balcony above my apartment was engulfed in fire. He quickly got me, my gf and my other roommate up and we all made it out safely.Hime and other neighbors quickly got everyone up in other apartments. Our smoke detectors are not linked. Ours did not go off until we were outside and the fire reached into our place. If it had not been for my roommate and others I believe many people could have died. Within 5-10 minutes the fire had spread across the entire roof and was reaching pretty high into the sky. There is no more a hopeless feeling than watching a fire consume your house as you wait for the fire department.

Here is a local news article with a crappy picture


It says cause unknown but I was standing by the girl who admitted she left a lit cigarette unattended on the balcony were the fire started. My apartment is the bottom one in front. The fire started on the balcony right above our patio door. The green escort right in front is my gfs. Part of the roof fell on it and the front pretty much just melted. My car is the grey tarus to the right... it appears ok. Niether of us can do anything with our cars since our keys are inside. The damage extends much farther to the left. There are 4 apartments on top and 4 on the bottom. The top ones are gone. They are just shells. We hear that the bottom ones are mainly suffering from water damage. They boarded up the apartments and we cannot enter to search for items. The water weighs down the wood so much that it is dangourous to enter. I saw a shot on the news of our apartment. It showed a scene through our patio door to our back wall (before it was boarded up). In front of that wall is my liqour bottle collection and tom clancy book collection sitting on shelves. All were intact and the wall and plastic shelves appear undamaged.

We are anxious to get back in or have some official go in there and try to get stuff. My roommates, my gfs and my hockey equipment are stored in that part near that shot from the news. In addition my roommates bike and snow board are there too. It is unclear if we will ever be able to get stuff from there before they demolish the building.

Luckily we are all covered by our families home owners since we are dependent college students. The complex has been very helpful in providing new housing if we still want to live there. Plus they are giving us 1000 dollars. The red cross provided food and clothing vouchers. Neighbors brought out blankets, clothes, coffee, and words of comfort as we watched the fire.

Needless to say this throws my entire life into a spiral. School is shot for maybe the rest of the semester (I am a senior so this really blows). It's hard to believe one single fucking cigarette has caused so much pain. If you are looking for a reason to quit here is a great reason. So to everyone I know in the community, I'll cya when this all gets straightened out. I know I'll never live near another smoker.
T w i z t i D said:
yankee and badmofo just like cigarettes because of their phallic nature

So spoketh the Lord of the Obvious.

Next flash of insight, you'll probably realize that both of them enjoy putting penises in their mouths.

That being said, on to the next order of business -- making idle comments when the train of though inevitably derails in a gruesome manner.

Still, that sucks, Darkhawk. Good thing you had the insurance, at any rate, and good luck getting things patched up.
That sucks; I smoke occasionally (read: half a pack a week), but life in Colorado, especially recently, has made me scared shitless of letting a hot butt leave my hand. Ashtrays 4 lyfe.