Why do teachers hate math and science?

College writing seminar will tell profs to not grade based on quality of writing in order to fight 'white language supremacy'

American University in Washington, D.C., is sponsoring a multisession seminar next month aimed at getting faculty to battle against "white language supremacy" and consider "alternative" grading standards for students' writing — such as "labor-based grading contracts."
What are the details?

"Grading Ain't Just Grading: Rethinking Writing Assessment Ecologies Towards [sic] Antiracist Ends" is scheduled for Feb. 1 and will be led by Asao B. Inoue, a professor from the University of Washington, Tacoma.

The seminar's main session — "The Language Standards That Kill Our Students: Grading Ain't Just Grading" — argues against "conventional standards in college courses that grade student writing by single standards." Inoue will discuss how "white language supremacy is perpetuated in college classrooms despite the better intentions of faculty, particularly through the practices of grading writing."

Surprised that the colleges and universities haven't figured out that when they take on a bunch of low IQ individuals, that they will all fail their courses because learning them is too complex. Most of these kids shouldn't have passed HS let alone get accepted into a college, at the expense of a higher IQ White or Asian.

Marxist daycare centers are a total joke.
Teachers work their asses off and take massive shit at little recompense. I respect them more than most professions. Most of them are disconnected from the socialist nonsense that modern society forces on them.

this is fine


this is no big deal

we just need our MASTERS in EDUCATION :lol:





si se puedo