Why Do All These Idiots Still Believe This Is A War For Oil???

I would love to know that. I've spent too much time arguing it out, but no one seems to be able to comprehend.

Liberalism on campuses is like a tide... (and it gets stronger and stronger on more prominent campuses). Just try to block the waves. (Not my analogy. The credit goes to Dinesh D'Souza for that one.)
"Why Do All These Idiots Still Believe This Is A War For Oil???"

Because it is?

That was an easy one, next!

You aware what Russia's biological weapons are like? We ain't bombing them.
Automatic Jack said:
"Why Do All These Idiots Still Believe This Is A War For Oil???"

Because it is?

That was an easy one, next!

You aware what Russia's biological weapons are like? We ain't bombing them.

lol. retard
Automatic Jack said:
"Why Do All These Idiots Still Believe This Is A War For Oil???"

Because it is?

That was an easy one, next!

You aware what Russia's biological weapons are like? We ain't bombing them.

So where are the UN resolutions ordering Russia to disarm that were made 12 years ago?
The war for oil argument falls apart when they find out that:

1) We already BUY oil from iraq.
2) We could just lift the sanctions anyways.
3) Lifting sanctions is preferable to invading a country (duh).
4) What the fuck is wrong with cheap oil anyways?
Iraq doesn't have a veto, Russia does.

I'm asking, did you see it? Scary stuff, they combined infuenza with another bug. You would get the flu, it would go away, then weeks later your body would become allergic to its own myelin, with no trace of the bug.
I'm sure if there was no oil in the middle east we'd be as concerned with that area as much as we are concerned with africa. :rolleyes:
Britney Speared said:
oil is gonna be the spoils of war according to mistar bush, which is the only recourse cuz we'll be in need of some serious economic help.


If by spoils of war you mean it will provide money to improve iraq's infrastructure after the war, then yes it will be the spoils of war.
icon said:
I'm sure if there was no oil in the middle east we'd be as concerned with that area as much as we are concerned with africa. :rolleyes:

Idiot, Africa has more untapped mineral wealth than Iraq by far.

This has to deal with international politics, and regional politics. Saying its a war over oil is a gross oversimplification, and makes you sound rather uninformed and pompous.
icon said:
I'm sure if there was no oil in the middle east we'd be as concerned with that area as much as we are concerned with africa. :rolleyes:

I think we'd be after anyone who we thought could provide a wmd to a terrorist organization to blow us up with. We've already stirred Saddam, it's too late to back out now, so let's just go with it.
Void|deadjawa said:
Idiot, Africa has more untapped mineral wealth than Iraq by far.

Duh! Exactly! Iraq's resorces are TAPPED, ready to use.

Also, international oil companies do drill in Africa, hence the 20 year war in Angola, the only place where the locals get uppity about it.
Iraq has ALL the ingredients, Venezuela just has oil. I'm sure if Chavez got all in Bush's face, they'd get schooled too...and we wouldn't be taking reparations in tortillas.