Why are you wearing that mask? Were you burned by acid or something?

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if you look carefully, you'll see the shirt blends with the skin thus making me appear to be a keg when really i'm just out of shape
Oh no, it's just they're terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing them in the future


Pics of the far left one.
thank you :)
the theme was "Spring Break '95" so i had to go buy a kinda plaid shirt and some baywatch swim trunks to wear

Already? Theme nights from the mid 90's?

You have no idea how old that makes me feel :(

I'm pretty sure I still wear things from then and consider them new
the joke was we were all preteens in 95
some people brought floaties and shit and were like "i was 7 in 95!"

Sometimes I wear a full face visor when I drive to work. My girlfriend says I look like a Chinese woman.
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