Why are there no MMOFPS's?

have you actually played World War II online?

because the "W W" in wwiionline.com doesn't stand for "World War".

It's "Where's Waldo" online... also known as "Waiting While" online, because that is what you spend 14.99 a month doing in the game most of the time... squinting at pixelated bushes for the other players... or waiting for something to actually happen.

wwiionline is in the Game Design Encyclopedia under the heading "Why we don't make MMO Real Time Shooters".
I disagree.

Cones of fire the size of a small fucking moon ruined Planetside.

This was the main reason Planetside nose-dived, and it pretty much killed the concept of automatic weapons. Doesn't do any good when spray-and-pray was more pray and less spray.
net code issues

also MMOs with too much of a skill component have problems with cheating.

We all want the same game and the dev companies know this, it's just an issue of technology.
Someone already said it, but it's entirely a technology issue. Which is also why you're only just now seeing action-based MMOs come out. The servers simply couldn't handle it in the past.

Not sure if things have changed, but Red5 hired a guy from Oracle. I imagine they will use some heavy iron to back those servers. Still confusing how much of this will be PVE or if they will have completely seperate game types one being soley for PVP battle type of play.

I hope it will support gameplay for pure PVP "seperately". I just dont have any desire for PVE stuff and I'm not so sure that mixing the two will work. I understand why they want to have PVE coop stuff beacuse there is a big audience of players who would like it. But dangit there are a whole lot of us who would like some good ol PVP without feeling restrained or molded to fit into a blend of PVE and PVP.
have you actually played World War II online?

because the "W W" in wwiionline.com doesn't stand for "World War".

It's "Where's Waldo" online... also known as "Waiting While" online, because that is what you spend 14.99 a month doing in the game most of the time... squinting at pixelated bushes for the other players... or waiting for something to actually happen.

wwiionline is in the Game Design Encyclopedia under the heading "Why we don't make MMO Real Time Shooters".

Do they still have the issue of only being able to see something like 30 people on the screen at any given time no matter how many are there?. I loved WW20 when it first came out, but the battles were pretty much always in the same place, and it averaged probably around 3k users on at any given time.
Do they still have the issue of only being able to see something like 30 people on the screen at any given time no matter how many are there?. I loved WW20 when it first came out, but the battles were pretty much always in the same place, and it averaged probably around 3k users on at any given time.

Yes, those limitations are still present. And, you still cant kill what isn't being drawn on the screen because hit-detection is entirely client side... so no matter how many guys are in the bunker when you toss in the grenade... you'll only kill 2 or 3 of them at a time.

But.. hey! They finally updated to pixelshader 3.0 so that "built it" wallhack that eliminates all the trees and bushes in game is finally disabled.
planetside (beta) was one of the biggest hit-or-miss gaming experiences i've ever had

sometimes it was completely boring for hours, but occasionally it was one of the best things ever

oh, and there's something called Global Agenda now. I haven't really looked into it much, but I've heard it compared to planetside

The problem with Planetside was it was only fun when you had two relatively equal forces fighting for an objective.

Most of the time, everyone would just zerg up and the fight would last 4 seconds and then off to the next base.

When the two massive zerg rushes did meet, it was a lag fest.
I don't get why ww2online went out of its way to not include things like infantry anti tank weaponry except for field guns. it left the infantry completely reliant on someone else to save them from tanks(works so well when playing with random retard strangers).

The research system was retarded and could fuck you over for weeks if 'High Command' decides that they really want a tiger as fast as possible and leaves the players to fend off matildas with 2cm flak guns.
Isn't Global Agenda instanced 10vs10? How is that MMO?

Global Agenda wasn't an MMOFPS in the slightest, it was a shitty FPS in instanced combat that cost 15$/month. It's F2P now apparently, I don't know how it is or how I feel about it with that change.
I don't get why ww2online went out of its way to not include things like infantry anti tank weaponry except for field guns. it left the infantry completely reliant on someone else to save them from tanks(works so well when playing with random retard strangers).

The research system was retarded and could fuck you over for weeks if 'High Command' decides that they really want a tiger as fast as possible and leaves the players to fend off matildas with 2cm flak guns.

I never played WWII online but am aware it took place during the battle for france in 1940.

There weren't jack shit for personal anti-tank weapons. Some rifles, sure, but most of them were useless unless you were underneath a tank.
the allure of subscription fees along with how popular fps's are on consoles I think will make it happen soon

most mmo's are not like wow though, where you're all on one server out in the open... most are instanced things and I imagine any mmo fps coming out in the near future would be more instanced than wow like
MMOFPS is really fun under a very narrow set or circumstances, and I think those circumstances can be reproduced in a decent FPS system of any kind. I think the real question is to what benefit is a semi-persistent game world going to contribute to FPS gameplay, and if you don't have one, what's the point of describing it as MMO?

Planetside was pretty interesting, although I remember it at least originally being atrociously badly designed from a security standpoint, with something like entirely honor system client-side hit reporting, and like people said before, lagfest when the actual MMO element came into play.
There used to be one, and it was fucking great. It was called Endless Ages. The graphics were crude, the interface was bleh, but the battles were epic, and weapons were awesome. Bodom, a friend of mine, and myself were the only TW'ers to really get into it. The game was amazing once you got past the interface and learning curve. Aiming was hard as shit, rewarding, and it had DUN DUN DUN, JETPACKS! However most couldn't get past the fucked up interface. Too bad to. It was an amazingly fun game.

You probably wont understand whats going on, but heres a pvp video in Fire Town.


Races were Frog, Blob, Human, and Human Female. They all had their own guns with different ways to use them, and melee weapons. There was magic, vehicles (with guns), and a crapload of skills. Housing and vendors and all the good shit. Also animals you could ride.

If you died, you lost all your shit on you, including money (excluding higher level armor and guns).
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I know what it looks like, but it was probably one of the funnest games i've ever played next to tribes. You just don't understand whats happening.