whoa had to slow down on that stuff

:rofl: you've got it all wrong - i'm struggling in hong kong looking for a "real job" while stuck teaching.

trying to get into consulting, but i've got less than zero fucking actual experience. On the plus side an american dude was leaving hong kong and forced to sell his boat for pennies. I'll take that.


skinny noodle armed fuck at the front.
I'm not surprised at the number of hours, I'm just curious about the ratio of time spent in the editor versus time actually playing :lol:

o its another 1 of those late middle aged ppl who use to load this form everyday for years and got s cared he could be nexted, so stopped logging in only 2 come back and make a hey its me post and complain how nexting killed this place
I'm not surprised at the number of hours, I'm just curious about the ratio of time spent in the editor versus time actually playing :lol:


I remade Farmer Dan but I made it a lot more complicated. But with the way Arma 3 handles local/server scripting really messed everything up and I got tired of trying to make it cooler. Plus there are no tractors in ARMA 3.

I spent a shitload of time in the editor but thanks to things like Epoch and Breaking Point, and King of the Hill I have more time played than editing.

I did remake Bad Dudes better than ever.

Also made a really awesome mission called Hearts and Minds.

Problem is that the group of people I played missions with all had to go and download a billion mods and while those mods are cool because they add modern weapons/vehicles, the mods also suck because they update them a lot and they arbitrarily change fucking classnames on you and break missions because of dumb shit like that.

arma 3 is awesome

It is though.

hello elmar

hello thar

:wave: how is somethingawful

It's cool!

yo elmar are u aware that u got a bnc connected to tw irc fucking constantly

it is a fucking zombie

Yea I have my irc connect to two servers and I just never disabled it

I talked last night though!