Who wants to help me with my Achilles-Hector essay?

SharpShooter said:
I don't plan on it. But reading something like that can really get the gears turning in terms of figuring out your answer.

That's why I posted it, dipshit. Now, STFU, take your ADD ass and go write something original.
paramount said:
Hector is the true hero. He is an exemplum brother, son, father, husband, and prince of Ilium. Furthermore, he faces his fate (death) with dignity. Achilles, however, sulks for the bulk of the war, allowing his comrades to be ravaged by his enemies. Only when Patroclus is killed does Achilles return to battle. And when he does so, he enters into a murderous rage, refusing to take hostages, as it was a common practice to ransom. Furthermore, he violates Hector's corpse by dragging it around the walls of Troy. Only when Prium essentially shames Hector does Achilles act properly (returning the body and allowing a cessation for funeral rites).
Nice, and I agree completely.

Achilles was a whiny bitch.
Hector, at least, understood duty to family and country.
Hector most likely, but then again I base that on the fact he was simply defending his homeland/city and Achilles was totally savage about winning. You know how he sliced through Hector's lower shins, laced a leather thong through them, tied them to the back of his chariot and dragged Hector's body as he made several laps around Troy.
D said:
Yeah, delete a few lines and rewrite the others :)

Ya know, I actually tried that one time. Unfortunately, google is your enemy. I found this obscure essay posted on some forum somewhere, and modified it. I changed every word that I could, reorganized sentences, added some of my own ideas, the works.

I went to google, and entered one phrase from my paper. i swear, it was just a string of 4 words in quotes. Google returned one and only one result, and guess what, it was the original paper. Fucking Google.
Achilles was more myth than anything else.

If you take them at face value of history, achilles by far was the greater figure. If you look at them in a true light, Hector was the man in most every way
To a Historian

You, who celebrate bygones,
Who have explored the outward, the surfaces of the races,
The life that has exhibited itself,
Who have treated of man is he is the creature of politics, aggregates, rulers, and priests.
I, habitan of the Alleghanies, treating of man is he is in himself in his own right,
Pressing the pulse of the life that has seldom exhibited itself,
(The greatest pride of man in himself)
Chanter of Personality, outliining what has yet to be,
I project the histories of the future.

History on its own is pretty gay. Write about the Iliad.