who locked Bit Raiser's thread?

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it was a worthless thread. much like this one.

they update us independently of our wishes. it's an extremely simple concept.
F [a] C E said:
it was a worthless thread. much like this one.

they update us independently of our wishes. it's an extremely simple concept.

Agreed. I only started is as a laugh, not to be taken seriously. I did expect Irritant or some other Irrational type to poke their head in and say something along the lines of "WTF do you think?". It woulda just been nice to have a little contact on the subject... but it's no biggy.

It'll be done when it's done and I hope it's got some suprises for us.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
probably one of the 11 people listed at the bottom that have admin in here.

better to lock a thread than reply to it! gotta :heart: IG

well, it addresses why a fan site gives admin abilities to 5 of the people involved with making the game.

Don't like them asking legitimate questions? LOCK

Don't want to answer one? LOCK

It was 100% right to give them control of the beta forums.

Here....not so much

but ok, let's blame Canada instead :)
Canada blames you too.
After all, what are aussies, if not southren Canucks?

[Edit: Fixed]
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I locked the thread. I'm sorry if it bothers you, but it had degenerated into a flamewar. The thread had been hijacked.

I didn't post in it because I really can't comment on the patch. Period. I'm sorry, I'd like to share everything that happens here with you guys but it's just not possible.

I've never locked a post or deleted a post because it has said negative things about T:V or IGA - people are absolutely entitled to their opinion. I've only ever done it when it has become a personal attack on myself or the people I work with, or where it has degenerated into a flame fest. I adhere to this rule stringently.

If you all think I shouldn't have moderator privileges (that's moderator, not admin - I don't have admin rights) then have a talk to Yogi. If he thinks it's unreasonable for me to be moderating, then he'll revoke my moderator status.

(I've already had one person accuse me of getting them banned when I don't have the power to do that. In this case the person jumped to conclusions - they had bypassed the word filter and that's the real reason they were banned.)

But if you were to say "we're still working on it", that would be ok, yeah?
Hell, it's good ta know yer still around :D
IrritAnt said:
BTW it's "Aussies" with a double s, though it's pronounced with a z :)

Bitraiser is the only Canadian that didn't know that! Bit, either use a dictionary or I shall be forced to throw one at you!!!!!!

IrritAnt, why isn't Guy Welch in these forums doing some marketing? A good marketer might spend a few minutes each week addressing some of the complaints regarding advertising that seem to crop up frequently.

Q. 'Why didn't T:V advertise as much as Halo2 and Half life2?

A. Are you really that dumb?

Q. 'Why would they use a white background for box art?'

A. See previous answer.

On a more serious vein, Guy could offer prizes for some competitive play. Perhaps he could quietly obs a game using an alias and at the end of the game award the highest scoring player a T-Shirt or something. It costs nothing but imagine the play it would get amongst Tribes players (and their non-playing friends). Or, hold a tournament of some kind on a newly designed map and name the map after the victor! ('Neta's World!' Nice!) This is the stuff that generates 'goodwill' and 'word of mouth'. It's also the type of marketing that games with smaller budgets should do. It might result in a few extra sales.
Marketing is VUG's game, not ours.

Of course any developer would like to see their publisher spending as much money and time on advertising as is fiscally possible, even to the detriment of other titles :D
Fair enough! Incidentally, you have done a nice job being around as a 'developer'! Offering suggestions on map-making and such is a good deal. Most here (excluding veterans) understand that you are not able to talk about the rest. Good for you for hanging in on the stuff you CAN talk about. Must be pretty sweet seeing all these people creating their own visions of the game. Or disappointing that they don't just play your version. Hmmmm, perhaps I will be quiet now. :)
you could always have IGA run their own server with yours and others new maps ant, unless you play under a different alias.. I haven't seen you online and we really need some local (aussie!) servers running new maps.. I hate playing with 200~300 ping just to play some new maps with others :(
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