who knew bedtime could be so much fun!?!?@?!@


Veteran X
Yeah so i have to get up at 8 am tomorrow for work, of course I stay up late like an idiot. Whatever. I proceed to put cpu into standby, strip to my t shirt and underwear and go to bed. But wait...im thirsty! I go out of my room (barefoot) and into the kitchen...and I step in a puddle. Wtf is on the floor I think to myself. Well I have two roommates, one of them probably spilled something and missed it....but that turned out not to be the case. Nope..i'm not that lucky. Instead, I look to see the cat litter box flipped over..apparently someone cleaned it and forgot to refill it. That's when I realized I was standing in cat piss.

good night tw.
I was trying to sleep but I figured I would whore TW and such for another hour so it was easier. I don't have to wake up for another 8 hours or so though.
Had you been stung by a jellyfish, that cat piss could have saved you from some discomfort. You should be grateful.
lick it up with your tongue like a cat would

then take the cat and use it like a mop to clean the mess up