Who Killed The Electric Car?

How about doing the unthinkable and hop on a bus for your commute and drive a bike to the store? The thing that is totally fucked now-a-days (and has been fucked since invention of automobile) is that every fucking adult has to have his own car... I mean what the fuck? bus takes you from a-b and you might have to walk ~0.5km to get to point c but so fucking what? you that fat and lazy?
taking the bus would require a well made transit system. You cant survive on the bus in san diego

then how about getting off of your ass and start making a difference! You've got two choises pal: 1# you put pressure on the city council to improve public transportation. 2# You contact the terrorists and start blowing cars up and continue to do so until your demands are met.

Choose freely:sunny:

I live in Tampere finland (population of about 200k and the public transportation works well. I still get to the city center faster on a bike than by taking a bus but the system works well enough :)
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