Who here enjoys what they do for a living?


Veteran X
I am happy with my income but i don't get a whole lot of job satisfaction working for a faceless corporation.

Just wondering what kinds of jobs people have that they enjoy, and look foward to doing.

Would all you other people take a paycut to do something you enjoyed more?
Currently I enjoy my job, its chill and I make enough money to get by. I know I wont do this forever though, so its hard for me to take it seriously as I know it's just a place holder till im done with school.
I'm in exactly the opposite position atm. I like the company, hate what I'm doing and I need more money.
Don't know how long I'll stick with the AF, though it's been good so far. I've only been in a few months though so they're just paying me to go to school right now. Don't know how I'll like my job, it seems pretty cool now though.
Army Interrogator.

the hours are shit but the naked Iraqi pyramids makes it all worth while.

. :heart:
. :heart::heart:
I enjoy what I do most of the time.
Sometimes it gets boring and the pay is never enough.
But I am basically my own boss and have underlings so what ever.
I hate my job (which is partly why I spend lumps of my time lurking on here). As I've got older I've enjoyed each job less and less even though I've been paid more and more and now earn 'a lot'.

My 'best' job was my first part-time job, age 18 - delivering (spelt racing) new hire cars for Hertz.
i started a new job that allowed me to CA from MI and pays more

job will be tough but i know i will like it

tycho_cel said:
I am happy with my income but i don't get a whole lot of job satisfaction working for a faceless corporation.

Just wondering what kinds of jobs people have that they enjoy, and look foward to doing.

Would all you other people take a paycut to do something you enjoyed more?
I code from home, for myself. (Job before that I still coded from home, but for someone else).

It's great, except that it's much more high-pressure to work for yourself if you are a fanatic about your code's quality. I live on 2-3 full pots of coffee per day (so 20+ cups), on a 36-hour day, a variety of other stimulants, and emacs. Thank god for emacs.

I have complete creative control, which is important to me. But when I worked for others, I knew that I was never allowed to invest in abstraction anyway; no one ever took a long enough view. Now I am, and the pressure is insane because I feel that I need to make everything beautiful. All of my client projects are over-engineered, but I'm basically just using client projects to finance R&D for my startup hacks ...
I coach a HS swimming and diving team, and teach diving classes during the winter. During the summer I coach a country club swimming and diving team and am the pool manager at the country club.

The perks for the job are:
- Hang out outside all day long.
- Flirt with hot girls in their 20's and the hot single moms.
- Swim or dive anytime I want
- Play golf anytime I want, including while I'm at work.
- Tennis if I ever want to.
- 3 hours of work a day, but that is just for the swim/dive team. I don't have to do jack as the pool manager except every now and then.

So yeah...I enjoy what I do for a living.
I did take a pay-cut to be a firefighter and I love it.

I'll never make a ton of money but that's not what's important, imo
I like what I'm doing right now, but I'll be going back to school soon, so I guess that's why I don't hate what I'm doing, because I certainly wouldn't want to make a career out of my job.

I'm not sure I will ever really enjoy my job, though, because I lose interest in things quickly and need to switch things up constantly. If I got paid to travel around the world and do what I wanted (with some reviews here and there), I guess I would probably like that.
Gonstone has everyone beat. :lol: God damnit why am I fucking about with my head.

I am heading toward either a breakdown or a spree.