Who has an audible account?


Veteran X
I got the free trial using the www.audible.com/twit link (if you listen to the "Twit" podcasts you've probably heard about it). After I got past the fact that they use a proprietary format (epic gayness), I realized that its kinda nice being able to listen to books on my ipod.

I got a financial book with my free credit. But now I am hooked and looking for suggestions. I stumbled on a "Southpark and Philosophy" book that could be interesting, but I was wondering what you all are listening to?

I'm not a fan of listening to fiction. I prefer to read books like that. I like listening to non-fiction though.

Any suggestions?
Check with your local library system. Many library systems subscribe to Overdrive, which allows you to borrow many audiobooks and ebooks. Depending on their subscription and catalog, many of their audiobooks are in WMA format, however Overdrive's latest software update includes a WMA->MP3 converter for borrowed items.
Check with your local library system. Many library systems subscribe to Overdrive, which allows you to borrow many audiobooks and ebooks. Depending on their subscription and catalog, many of their audiobooks are in WMA format, however Overdrive's latest software update includes a WMA->MP3 converter for borrowed items.

I did not know this. This sounds awesome. Thanks dude.
I have an audible account, though I've been trying to cancel it for a bit now. They removed the cancellation link and now you have to call to do it. Of course, I'm too lazy to call during business hours, so I'm still a meber.

I recommend "Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen (unabridged)" by Christopher McDougall and "A Short History of Nearly Everything (abridged)" by Bill Bryson.

Both books had good pacing and were well read.