who DOESN'T have Hi-Def television by now?


I have a huge CRT.

I don't think TV is worth spending serious money on, even though that's what I do when I'm bored on the weekends.

I'd rather spend my dough towards something more productive.
I don't and have no plans to do so. I find them an extravagant waste of money.


why would I spend money so that advertising companies can insult my intelligence in HI-DEF

tv sucks, I watch two shows: Heroes and Steelers games. That's it. Everything else is brainless tripe. Even Heroes is brainless tripe.

why would I spend money so that advertising companies can insult my intelligence in HI-DEF

tv sucks, I watch two shows: Heroes and Steelers games. That's it. Everything else is brainless tripe. Even Heroes is brainless tripe.

try watching house, dexter, the wire...

why would I spend money so that advertising companies can insult my intelligence in HI-DEF

tv sucks, I watch two shows: Heroes and Steelers games. That's it. Everything else is brainless tripe. Even Heroes is brainless tripe.

how is it possible to watch football in non-hd

i had to watch nd last week in standard hd so i left and went to a bar to watch it

it was that painful