where's the effing patch?

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Its my birthday. VUG, have it come out now, and I'll share my birthday cake with you! :D

And in two more years I'll be able to buy Girls Gone Wild, super-chouette!

I played in one awesome pub the other night on the Titty Bar server (T2). Both T1 and T2 have better player counts right now. This is a Tribes (read all 4) forum.

I loved the SP. I think the MP sucks ass. I am holding out hope that the patch fixes the incomplete features (observer/server/etc), and looking forward to SS and the other mods coming.

But for me, as T:V stands, they failed. If a person wants to speak negatively of the game, they should be allowed to. If they are wrong, then the others will drown them out. If not...then don't blame them.

A portion of this might have to do with the crap that Thrax and his posse gave PJ before and during beta. Now that he has been proven right (see his sig), perhaps he wants to let people know that fact. I for one think he should be able to.


Got Haggis? said:
PanamaJack, if you hate T:V so much, why do you continue to post here? You are becoming a troll.
He's been trolling since release!

Not because he does't like T:V. After all this is Tribes Talk, not Tribes Vengeance Worship. Right?

No, what makes him a troll is his constant and deliberate disruption of thread, repeating the same crap over and over, and attacking anyine who dares to actually enjoy their game.

It's not like those of use who like T:V are blind to it's flaws. T1 had flaws. T2 had flaws. Did that make them crap worthy of constant attack?

He's no better than shieldpackman... just more wordy.
Only thing worse that a troll is a fanboy with blinders on who repeats the same things over and over and over and over
SuperTrap said:
Only thing worse that a troll is a fanboy with blinders on who repeats the same things over and over and over and over
Or some random ass who has nothing to contribute and thinks that smack talking in a game forum is something to be proud of.
Blow me looser. :finger:

[Please note, this post is for entertainment purposes only. In no way do I take anything outta this guy's mouth even remotely seriously. What the hey, tho. Sometimes sinking to the lowest common denominator is amusing ;) ]
Back to the matter at hand. The patch will become available when its ready, so stop adding to the bandwidth repeated threads.
its fine for someone to dislike t:v..but to post in just about every thread about t:v and say something like "see, sierra didnt listen to me, so t:v failed" is getting really old.
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