Where do YOU work? Or Want to Work?

I currently don't have a job. But I'd like to become a Doctor, or a teacher. I'm not sure. I'd also like to be a 3D Graphics Designer for Plaxx or some big company. What do you do, and what would you like to do, and how much do you get paid?
i work at a rental yard. help customers, answer the phone, service, wash and repair equipment, run errands and deliver stuff.

i'm basically a lawnmower mechanic and my boss is a huge douche, i make $9 an hour
Despite the thread starter:

I work at sears selling mattresses, I want to be a nurse, medic, or firefighter.
What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be a fireman and an astronaut.

I want to be a fire-fighting astronaut.
I'm unemployed, but I do occasional tech work (repair/maintenance, even a website or two).

I'm majoring in Info Sci & Tech, Sys/App Integration, so that's what I'll be doing, hopefully.