Where do you draw the line?


Veteran X
Found this on CNN: Judge allows comatose woman to die.

For those uninclined to click the link, a woman suffered massive heart and brain damage twelve years ago, and since then her husband and parents have been fighting over whether or not to pull the feeding tube and let her die.

I have to ask, what the hell? After 12 years of being a vegetable, how can you possibly be considered alive? Yes, she can breathe by herself and blink her eyes, but that's all. I don't understand why anyone would want to "live" like that, nor why anyone would want their child to "live" like that.

Anyone? Discussion, please.
From experience, when you see a loved one paralyzed from the neck down. Cannot breathe on his own, cannot eat on his own. A man that has lived off of the land for his entire life is now helpless. I believe it was the right choice to not make him suffer.
To be precise, the order doesn't go into effect until after the new year, and there'll be more appeals and such, but I hope they let her die already. I couldn't bear to be left like that, if something ever happened to me.
This is why you make a deal with your best friend that if you are evar vegetalized your buddy will kill ya and vise versa. I know i have one with muh best friend
but people can come out of a coma. this is why her parents hold on, they keep hoping she'll come out.

her husband on the other hand probably thinks that after 12 years, if she hasn't come out, shes not coming out any time soon, you should let her go.