when you think of america


Veteran X
what do you think of?

because living in california i dont even consider it. I live in california.

what do you lesser states think of?
I'm a Texan first. I'm not so proud to be an American right now. That could seriously change if we voted Obama in though.

It's unfortunate that bush is also from Texas
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I live in Manteca, Ca.

In September me and the family are moving to the state of WA. This state is fucking horrible.
I think of a crashing economy

I think of a corrupt, corporate government

I think of a stifled and strangulating two-party political system

I think of a bought-and-sold media in the government's back pocket

I think of millions of ignorant, bible-thumping inbreds who fear outsiders, "liberals", and anything other than ignorant inbreds like themselves

I think of a population that not only is just too stupid to see it, but just doesn't even care that their country is collapsing around them

I think of all the similarities to the Roman Empire

I think I want to move.
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I think of titties.

To be fair though, if you were to ask me what I thought of differential equations and how it applies to the field of computational physics I'd reply with it makes me think of titties.