"When do we get our free shit?"

Originally Posted by Denver View Post
I would like to know how "betraying your own people" is a biological thing for women?
not saying it is not, just curious.

Historically, women have been taken as war booty by conquerors. Women have had to adapt to this situation. Those who got very upset / depressed had less children due to committing suicide or being killed by her captors. For this reason, women are inclined to side with conquerors (Stockholm syndrome is actually what this is called today, but there's nothing abnormal about it amongst females). The presence of foreign males indicates that the society they are in is being conquered by those same males. That's why you see basically only women with #refugeeswelcome signs and other such nonsense. They can sense, if not intellectualize, that we're being conquered and the native men aren't stopping it, so they switch camps as they have had to do for tens of thousands of years to save themselves.

say again how "adapting" becomes "betrayed?"
The Leftists here handed out $900 to almost everybody last time they were in power, and still lost the next election. Bulk fried chicken in any currency.


lol at getting pissed off at chump change

Have you not been paying attention???

Listen champ, if you think anyone from any 'class' of society (except the political class) is 'protecting' the rich who were bailed out, you're mistaken. Everyone involved should have been put in prison for life or put to death depending on the severity of their crimes.

It should also include politicians who facilitated these loans based on EO lending standards. Forcing banks to make loans to people who couldnt afford them and backing them up with fannie and freddie made those lackeys millions in bonuses.


More of your tax dollars to cronies in fed GSEs.

How many people have done jail time?
Great video about Usury. Absent will like this one.
One reason why the free stuff crowd can't win. They charge everything on credit cards and take the loans for cars and a home, eventually going under. It's hard enough for people with good jobs to pay their bills. It's why I paid off my home and have no debt.
Great video about Usury. Absent will like this one.
One reason why the free stuff crowd can't win. They charge everything on credit cards and take the loans for cars and a home, eventually going under. It's hard enough for people with good jobs to pay their bills. It's why I paid off my home and have no debt.

Deep in debt, Rubio bought an $80,000 speedboat and leased a $50,000 luxury SUV...

During his run for Senate several years later, the Florida senator was forced to defend his record after revelations that he put thousands of personal charges, including hair cuts, liquor-store runs, and a $10,000 family vacation on campaign and Florida Republican Party credit cards...

According to The Times, in the early 2000s, the now presidential candidate bought several homes, putting no money down....

On the eve of his presidential announcement, Rubio cashed out his $68,000 retirement savings to pay bills for a broken refrigerator, air-conditioning unit, and his kids' private-school tuition. The transaction incurs a significant tax penalty that could cost Rubio $24,000...

While you may be dumb in many aspects of life NGFM, you're doing something right when it comes to debt. Unlike some people...
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unless you like fishing

then buy a boat

but realize it's a money sink

and you should not be in debt already when you get one
Trump went bankrupt in a fiscally responsible way.

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I want free water dammit.

If we can spend so much of our socialist dollars on military someelsewhere than on defending the US...
then my tax dollars should also be spent on clean drinkable water for all.

obviously not reading you guys above me...